The TL;DR: People use two sahih hadiths only to claim she was 6-9 years old. Hafsah had been married at a young age and participated in the migrations to both Abyssinia and Medina. 5 năm trước. Maymunah, or Barra as she was then called, yearned to marry the Prophet and offered herself to him in marriage. They were married in Makkah and they spent a quarter of a century of love and happiness together – until her death. In fact, when Muhammad – PBUH heard this he sent his reply by stating that as for her children, he will take care of them as his own children as they are the children of Allah and His Messenger and in regards to her age, Muhammad – PBUH stated that he himself was older and that Allah would remove the jealousy from her heart. Muhammad is the prophet and founder of Islam. Muhammad – PBUH knew that Safiyya was alone and he could not leave her on her own. She was married to Prophet Muhammad for four years until he passed away. Therefore Khawla suggested that Sawdah married Muhammad – PBUH in order to take care of Muhammad, the children and his household. How many wives of Prophet Muhammad were older than him? Aishah was raised as a Muslim while most of the close companions were converts to Islam. But all his wives were elderly ladies or widows except [Aisha and Mariyah]. This article will cover the wives of the holy Prophet Muhammad – PBUH into two parts in Chorological order. The prophet's wives were revered as "Umm ul Mo'mayneen" or Mothers of the Believers; it was considered be tantamount to incest for a Muslim to marry one of Muhammad's widows. As Umm Habiba was a sincere Muslim, she could no longer stay with an unbeliever and she divorced her husband for the sake of Islam. Umme Salamah accepted and she wedded Muhammad – PBUH. So Hafsa was then married to Muhammad – PBUH. If someone asks you that question, either in a good or in a bad intention, will you be able to answer? 1. She was born in a noble and wealthy family. When he was twenty-five years old he married for the first time. She was given the title as the ‘mother of the poor’ by Muhammad – PBUH. The holy Prophet – PBUH married her with the blessings of Abu Talib. 11 Wives of the Prophet Muhammad – Who Are They? Therefore Muhammad – PBUH asked her if she would care for him and she replied positively. Many people ask, why Prophet Muhammad S.A.W married so many wives. Their marriage was short lived and stormy and to please both of them, Prophet Muhammad allowed them to divorce. Juwairriyah was a captive and prisoner after a holy war known as Banu Mustalaq.She came to Muhammad – PBUH and asked for her freedom. Marriage to the Prophet of Allah answered that du’a. While Khadija was alive, Muhammad did not marry any other woman. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is our example in this. Sawdah. The women who married Muhammad – PBUH were indeed ladies with exceptional characters and who contributed a lot in the life of the Prophet Muhammad – PBUH. The child fell ill and passed away. When he was nearly sixty, Muhammad – PBUH was informed that Maria was expecting a child and she eventually gave birth to a baby boy. She accepted. As usual, Muhammad – PBUH kept his word, and he cared for the children as if they were his own. 1 decade ago. Why Did Mohammed Get So Many Wives? There was no one to look after the daughters and the house. From the Prophetic traditions Aishah narrated about fasting; Imam Muslim reported that she said: ‘the messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) used to kiss one of his wives while fasting, and then she laughs, may Allah be pleased with her. This has become a main target of the Christian and Jewish writers. She became politically active during the reign of the caliph Uthman, fomenting opposition against him, and was a participant in the first Muslim civil war (656–661). Your question: I should be grateful to you if you could tell me how many wife does Prophet Muhammad (SAW) have and what are their names. She lived for another 39 years, passing away in Medina at the age of 60. She hired Muhammad as a business agent but soon came to see him as a suitable husband. 2- Sawdah bint Zam’a ( b.unknown – d.674 CE) After a marriage of twenty-five years the Prophet’s first wife, Khadijah passed away. Khadijah was the first wife of Prophet Muhammad, whom she met as a widow of a wealthy merchant but had become prosperous in her own right. Prophet Mohammed and Aisha married when Aisha was about nine years old, … Khadijah died in 621A.D. These are their names. Part 2 will cover Umme Salamah, Zainab, Safia, Maria, Juwairriyah, Maymoonah and Rayhaanah. Their marriage was an astute political alliance. Strictly speaking that is not the complete truth, as a Muslim can also have unlimited concubines and … He married the first three women before moving to Mecca, while the rest resulted in some fashion from the Muslim war over Mecca. She was forgotten by all the men at that time. Hafsa was the daughter of Umar ibn Al- Khattab. They were his wives in this dunya and will be his wives in the akhirah. After the death of Khadija, Muhammad married many other women but no one among them could ever take the same place in his heart that she had. Answer Save. I am a Digital marketing Expert, SEO, SMO, SEM, Blogger, author, affiliate marketing, and public speaker and enable people to become digital marketers. It was Hafsah who had the great honor of being the custodian of the first Mushaf which came into her possession after the death of her father. Z Zayd divorced her within two years, after which, according to Muhammad, Allah commanded her to marry Muhammad himself. In his early teens, Muhammad worked in a camel caravan, following in the footsteps of many people his age, born of meager wealth. He married several women to save them from distress, financial difficulties and to support them after losing their husbands and fathers in holy wars. Whyacceptislam is a great platform for you to access accurate and thorough information about what is Islam religion all about. Besides her, all the wives of the Prophet Muhammad were widows. She died at the age of sixty-five. Islamyat . She gave Muhammad support and encouragement when he received his first revelations and remained loyal to him when many prominent Makkans began to oppose him. Her husband passed away in exile and she was left a poor widow with small children. She and her husband were among the first to leave Mecca bound for Medina when she was forced to endure separation from her husband and the abduction of her son. She was from the noble family of the Qurayshi and her father was Jahsh. According to Islamic doctrine, he was a prophet, sent to preach and confirm the monotheistic teachings of Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and other prophets. While the Prophet was in the house of one of his wives, one of the mothers of the believers sent a meal in a dish. Prophet Muhammad once said to his wife: “If they discriminate you again, tell them that your husband is Muhammad, your father was Prophet Aaron and your uncle was Prophet Musa. According to official Islamic belief, […] Caesar Farah then concluded that Muhammad's plural marriages were due "partly to political reasons and partly to his concern for the wives of his companions who had fallen in battle defending the nascent Islamic community" (p.69). She was alone is a strange country with a young daughter and no visible means of support. He married the first three women before moving to Mecca, while the rest resulted in some fashion from the Muslim war over Mecca. Muhammad – PBUH married her after accomplishing pilgrimage and after exiting his Ihram. Muhammad's 13 wives can be divided into two groups. Umar was disappointed and angry too. When it comes to how Prophet Muhammad treated his wives, we have to look first into his views about women in general and how they should be treated. Prophet Muhammad's third wife was A'ishah, the daughter of his closest companion Abu Bakr, who later became the first Caliph of the Muslim community upon the Prophet's death. Her father was worried and decided to look for a husband for her. While she lived, Muhammad took no other wives. She died less than one year after her marriage and as a consequence very little is known about her. Your email address will not be published. Sawdah who was a widow accepted the proposal and wedded Muhammad – PBUH. July 2008 version. After converting to Islam and suffering persistent oppression, Umm Habibah and her husband joined the migration to Abyssinia. When Prophet Muhammad married Juwayriyah it allowed the tribe to enter Islam with honor by removing the humiliation of their defeat. Al – Rehman Online Quran Academy – Read & Learn Quran, Best Practices for Treating Muslims Patients in Health Care, Importance of Salah – Prayer in Islam (Part 1), Benefits of Accepting Islam in this 21st century, 12 Beautiful Ramadan Pictures for your Mobile Wallpapers, The Importance of Hadith in this Modern Life, Importance of Salah – Prayer in Islam (Part 2), The Wives of the Holy Prophet Muhammad – Brief History, Speak Only When your Words are More Beautiful than Silence, UTHMAN BIN AFFAN – The Third Caliph of Islam, Ali ibn Abi Talib – The Fourth Caliph of Islam, Top 5 Reasons that Why Islam is True Religion. Caesar Farah then concluded that Muhammad's plural marriages were due "partly to political reasons and partly to his concern for the wives of his companions who had fallen in battle defending the nascent Islamic community" (p.69). (1) Khadija bint Khuwaylid. The age of Aisha, Prophet Muhammad's wife. Muhammad forbade his ten widows from remarrying, even making sure that this "divine" order was forever preserved in the eternal word of Allah - Quran (33:53). She met Muhammad – PBUH when she was 40 years old and Muhammad – PBUH was 25 years old. What is more, the permission to have many wives was not just for our Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him), but for some of the earlier Prophets too (taken from Fatwas of the Standing Committee: 19/171-173). Posted by 11 hours ago. In 629 CE, the Muslims were victorious at the Battle of Khaybar and Safiyyah was taken captive. Their marriage was an astute political alliance. How many wives did Prophet Mohammed have? They were married for three years before Prophet took another wife. However her last husband died in battle and her marriage to Prophet Muhammad set a precedent for others to follow. The wives of our Prophet Sallalahu alaihe wassalam are the mother of Believers and if we love our Prophet (Pbuh) we should also know about them whom the Prophet loved. At the death of her husband she made du’a to Allah: “O Lord, reward me for my affliction and give me something better than it in return, which only You, the Exalted and Mighty, can give.”. 1. these hadiths come from one person only: Hisham Ibn Orwa. One day a slave came to her and informed her that the King wanted to see her and there was a message for her. So far as history knows, none of his widows did remarry. The wives of the Holy Prophet Muhammad – PBUH were as follows: Khadijah was the first wife of Muhammad – PBUH. Her life was filled with examples of patience in the face of trials and tribulations. History of the Sacred Chamber The Hujarat. Anonymous. The characteristics of Prophet Muhammad are described in the Old Testament and it is also mentions that Isa as will be buried with him. She was therefore one of the wives of Muhammad – PBUH. This was the same year the Prophet ascended into heaven (Meraj). When her father passed away she inherited the wealth of her father. After giving birth to Ibrahim, Maria was given the title of ‘Mother of Believers’. Before this marriage she had earned the title of Mother of the Poor due to her work with the poor and her generosity to them. Rayhaanah bint ‘Amr al-Nadariyyah was made captive in the battle of Qurayzah. According to most sources she was about 40 and Muhammad about 25 when they married. Juwairriyah accepted Islam. One time during his stay alone in adoration of Allah in the last ten days of Ramadan (observing I`tikaf), his wife lady Safiyyah came to visit him and spoke with him for some time, then went to the door. Zaynab was the first of Prophet Muhammad’s wives that did not come from the tribe of Quraish. Hafsah was married to the Prophet for eight years, and after his death she lived for another thirty four years. Among her notable attainments were that she was the only wife that was with the Prophet when he received revelation and it was in Aishah’s arms that the Prophet died. Once again Umme Salamah refused saying that she is old and that she was of a jealous nature as well as having many children. She is credited with narrating more than 2000 ahadith and became noted for her sharp intelligence, love of learning and impeccable judgment. Zaynab was known for her talent with her hands. (An-Nisaa 4:19) Safiyyah was twenty-one years old when the Prophet died. Zaynab was the little cousin of Muhammad – PBUH. Umm Habiba was very honoured and happy and Muhammad – PBUH also sent 400 dinars as dowry for her. Muhammad's 13 wives can be divided into two groups. His last ten wives were either widows of fallen comrades and allies or women who had been enslaved when their tribes were conquered by the Muslims. Aishah was one of only three of Prophet Muhammad’s wives who memorized the entire Quran. Introduction. The characteristics of Prophet Muhammad are described in the Old Testament and it is also mentions that Isa as will be buried with him. Zaynab was the first of Prophet Muhammad’s wives that did not come from the tribe of Quraish. Subscribe. Almighty Allah however did not forget her and her sacrifice. When the Holy Prophet passed away, he left nine wives behind. How many wives did Muhammed have ? All of us know that the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W married 11 wives. Muhammad – PBUH obeyed Allah’s as usual and he married Zaynab. Umme Habiba was previously married and during the early years of persecutions, she migrated with her husband to Abyssinia. However, nowhere in the holy Quran any particular of his wife name is mentioned. There are several verses in the holy Quran talking about the wives of Prophet Muhammad. They say that plurality of marriage (polygamy) in itself points to avidity and to yielding to lust and desire, and the Prophet was not content with four wives which had been allowed to his Ummah but exceeded even that limit and married nine women. She declared her faith without fear of the consequences to herself and she held fast to her faith when she was severely tested. He did not contract any marriage in … She supported him throughout the three years of persecutions in Mecca. His last ten wives were either widows of fallen comrades and allies or women who had been enslaved when their tribes were conquered by the Muslims. 2. The Prophet Muhammad is reported to have had 12 wives in total from 9 years of age up to 45 years of age at the time of marriage. When the Prophet heard of her predicament he offered to marry her. The Messenger of Allah (saws) married a total of 11 times in his life; but the maximum number of wives he had at any one time was nine. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) married 12 wives in his life. Umm Salamah outlived all the other wives and died at the age of eighty four. Her betrothal to him at a young age fortified that relationship. 1. Favourite answer. She was the first of the Prophet’s (ﷺ) wives to die after him. Maria was from Egypt. Sadly she was widowed when only eighteen years old but she then had the honor of marrying Prophet Muhammad and linking the Al-Khattab family with the Prophet’s family. The wives of the Holy Prophet Muhammad – PBUH were as follows: Lady Khadijah; Lady Aisha&Sawdah; Umme Habiba; Hafsa; Umme Salamah; Zainab; Safia; Maria; Juwairriyah; Maymoonah; Rayhaanah . In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate 2. In fact, when the marriage got dissolved, Allah ordered Muhammad – PBUH to ask for the hands of Zaynab. The first part will cover Lady Khadijah, Aisha & Sawdah, Umm Habiba and Hafsa. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Muhammad – PBUH marriages have a clear rationale. 7 Verses for the Answer, Learn Basic Beliefs and Concepts of Religion “Islam”, The Prophecies of the Prophet: Proofs of Prophethood Series, Story of Fatimah – The Favorite Daughter of the Prophet, Modernity and the Question of Religious Authority. However, Prophet Muhammad S.A.W was having more than 4 wives at a single time. According to official Islamic belief, […] When Muhammad died in 632, Aishah was left a childless widow. Khadija lived with the Prophet (s) for 25 years and passed away 10 years after Bi'tha. He was left alone to raise a small family and found that he could not devote enough time to calling the people to Islam so he decided to marry again. After some years, after the Hijrah, Aisha became officially the bride of Muhammad – PBUH at the request of Abu Bakr Siddiq. Hafsa became a widow at a very young age. 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