Sarah Reinhard, author of A Catholic Mother's Companion to Pregnancy, will consider how we minister to mothers within our parish communities. We all know that we can't lead on our own, but recruiting, managing, and building a team of volunteers can be a challenge (especially if you are part-time or a volunteer). Sts. Join Christopher Wesley, author of the new book, Rebuilding Confirmation, as he shares how we can take back the sacrament and build a program that helps teenagers go deeper and wider in their faith. Join bestselling authors, Br. What about a spiritual top 10? It is a time to awaken within us a deep desire Christ's presence and to awaken our hearts to God's faithfulness. This webinar will enable parish ministers and married couples to discover effective ways of communicating the value of Catholic marriage to engaged and dating couples. The research, conducted by CARA, is part of the Emerging Models of Pastoral Leadership Project with funding from the Lilly Endowment. In this session, Susan Muto and Lori McMahon of the Epiphany Association—which promotes the teaching and research of formative spirituality—will explore fundamental themes of Franciscan spirituality, leading us to a deeper understanding of how we are called to full participation in Christ, embracing a life of suffering, joy, and compassion. He chose to enter the Catholic Church in college, precisely when so many of his friends were heading in the other direction. We accept that the Bible contains the truth, but we also find apparent inconsistencies that are the consequence of God coming to us in a language we can understand. He will show ministry professionals how to help teens not just cope with stress but utilize it to grow into happy, holy, healthy adults. In a parish environment, there is an increasing need for volunteers in various ministries and yet there is also an audience that needs ministry attention: mothers. Addictions, compulsions, and unhealthy attachments are commonplace within our culture, and Catholics are not immune from their devastating effects. The presentation will draw on the first phase of research including survey responses from 850 randomly selected parishes in the United States. We are not alone. Use code FREE25. One of the key features of twenty-first century adult faith formation is addressing the unique life tasks, needs, interests, and spiritual and faith journeys at each stage of adulthood: young adults (20s-30s), midlife adults (40s-50s), mature adults (mid 50s-mid 70s), and older adults (75+).Given this great diversity across the adult stage of life, it is imperative that adult faith formation programs, activities, and resources are targeted and tailored to the lives of adults—at each stage of life and in each generation.This webinar will provide practical approaches for addressing the four seasons of adulthood using new 21st century tools and methods. Louis J. Cameli, nationally renowned pastoral leader and priest of the Archdiocese of Chicago, will explore the cultural, ecclesial, and pastoral context within which he wrote his recently published book, Catholic Teaching on Homosexuality. In this webinar, Fr. Ave Maria Press's fall line up for 2017. In this panel discussion, a group of Catholic young adult leaders will discuss the current state of young adult ministry in the Catholic Church and share their greatest successes and learning experiences in reaching this very important group of people. The webinar will describe the nature of the research and present the data most likely to affect pastoral leaders as they seek to remain relevant and effective in their respective roles. In this webinar, Father Michael White and Tom Corcoran, pastor and pastoral associate of the Church of the Nativity in Timonium, Maryland and authors of the new book, Rebuilt: Awakening the Faithful, Reaching the Lost, and Making Church Matter, share their experience of frustration with the decline of the Church's influence in their parish and what they did to change consumer Catholics into contributing ones. Trends show that the impact of current events are affecting the emotional and mental well-being of more and more Americans. One of the best ways to warm hearts, whether teaching or preaching, is through witness and story: helping people encounter God in the ordinary stuff of life. Good listening skills are a basic essential for those of us who take to heart Christ’s call to kindness. Lent can be a blessed season of renewal if kept in a meaningful and realistic way. The goal of this presentation is to help parish leaders present the fourteen works of mercy in a way that is practical and helpful for families. The COVID-19 pandemic, and the closing of schools that resulted, has exacerbated this gap.Historically, Catholic schools have had greater success with their Latino students than public schools have achieved. Parish ministry can be a very rewarding vocation. It's the start of a new year, a time when most of us reflect on our lives and set some goals. In 2001 she was personally honored by the Dalai Lama as an "unsung hero of compassion." How comfortable are you when ministry or everyday life leads you to brokenhearted people who want to talk about their grief? In this webinar Montaldo will examine three key texts from Merton's journals that feature the monk's understanding of the value of his relationships with others as guidance for creating his own destiny to love and seek God. FREE Webinars from Ave Maria Press Posted on 08/15/2019 by FaithFormation. Watch and explore these five themes: 1. Tim, a theologian who teaches at Boston College, and Sue, a therapist and religious educator, reflect on how Ignatius spirituality offers parents a way of looking at their vocation of raising faith-filled children. Join Gary Zimak as he offers practical suggestions for letting go of anger and stress by tapping into the power of the Holy Spirit. One of the most inspiring reasons to practice a deep and personal devotion to the Heart of Jesus is that it unites you to the "Heart of the Church." LPI webinars. Ave Maria Press is hosting a webinar on how to adapt RCIA moving forward learning lessons from the COVID-19 restrictions: This approach involves intentional pastoral care and accompaniment to tend to the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and economic wounds of those who struggle through this crisis moment – and beyond. How is the Church called to respond to the growing trend of addictive behaviors that take hundreds of lives each day while destroying the fabric of families? September is National Suicide Awareness Month. Dr. Bob Schuchts, founder of the John Paul II Healing Center and author of the new book Be Transformed, will offer insights into how parish leaders and experience and present the sacraments in ways that will transform their lives. Webinars from Ave Maria Press Posted on 09/19/2016 by FaithFormation. While it is uncomfortable to talk about, it is essential that we engage teens in this tough conversation. Sign up here and choose the ways you would like us to keep you informed. In this edition of the Ave Maria Press Professional Development Webinar Series, we will host a number of new media and new evangelization experts in a roundtable discussion about how parishes can use digital media to reach new people and connect with their parishioners. Most Catholics have a desire to pray but when a full calendar gets in the way, prayer can be the first thing to go. As the founder of Mercy Beyond Borders, she currently works with women in South Sudan and Haiti. Features. Join Lisa M. Hendey of and author of The Handbook for Catholic Moms for an overview of social media technologies, including social networking sites Facebook and Twitter, as well as tools for communicating through blogs, podcasts, and streaming video. Teens want us--parents, teachers, parish ministers, and youth leaders--to talk with them about suicide, even though they may not initiate the conversation. Developed by. © 2020 Ave Maria Press. At a time when divorce has become an everyday occurrence in society, parish leaders may feel at a loss as to how to address the overwhelming needs of the many divorced Catholics in their communities. In this "Top Ten" style presentation, (with apologies to David Letterman), Pat and Terry unpack the wisdom and the beauty of the feminine genius, with a special emphasis on a woman's blessed dignity, beautiful gifts, and bodacious mission. What happens when a new volunteer signs up to be a leader for young people in ministry? Participants will renew their sense of mission as they reflect on this past school year and look ahead to the next school year. Join the student ministers from Church of the Nativity in Timonium, Maryland, in exploring how they're learning to leverage pivotal life moments. Using St. Thérèse of Lisieux’s "The Little Way" as a guide, Mary Lenaburg will share what she discovered when applying those lessons to her daily life while serving as a catechist, extraordinary minister of Holy Communion, sacristan, youth ministry volunteer, and one-time liturgy coordinator for her home parish. If you are experiencing a rapid growth of Hispanic families in your parish, this webinar will help you understand the viewpoints that each culture brings to the table and the best practices to be effective in your ministry. Joe Laramie, S.J., will lead us in this exercise to help deepen your relationship with the Lord and in your family and community. Stay in Touch. Youth and young adults are the future of the Church; they are also the future of families, the domestic church. In the midst of the presidential election season that's already heating up, questions of truth, lies, and “fake news” become part of everyday conversations. Listen in on a panel of nationally known parish youth ministers as they share their success stories and growth moments. Join Cynthia Psencik, director of the office of youth ministry for the Archdiocese of New York, and Armando Cervantes, director of youth and young adults and interim director of Hispanic ministry for the Diocese of Orange, as they discuss and share how authentic dialogue can help us make the changes needed in our communities. There are a number of opportunities and challenges facing youth ministers in the Church today. Recent news reports have focused on the growing educational gap between white students and students of color, including Hispanic/Latino students. Join the discussion on moving parish vitality forward while going back to the basics. The webinar will introduce participants to the topics of the book as well as extend the conversation for those participants who already have some familiarity with it. 1:03:55. And when it comes to money and the Church, that topic is even more uncomfortable. Do you find yourself becoming angry and stressed out over what's going on around you? Este webinar es una invitación a profundizar en la riqueza de lo que creemos como cristianos yenamorarnos más del Dios que se revela en la historia. Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe es la más conocida y es la Patrona de América, pero todo país de Latinoamérica y el Caribe tiene como patrona una advocación mariana distinta. There’s no silver-bullet program that solves this for a volunteer, but there are principles that work for every program (even during a pandemic) that lead to forming young disciples. Watch the recordings of more than fifty Ave Maria Press webinars: In this webinar, Paul Jarzembowski, assistant director for the Secretariat of Laity, Marriage, Family Life, and Youth of the USCCB, will explore the phenomenon and offer creative ideas for engaging young adults during these moments of return and beyond. Hooking up involves the use of sex not as a way to foster communication but to avoid it.In this webinar, Dr. Timothy O’Malley will show how the Church's theology of marriage can offer a healing medicine for those seeking love in a hookup culture.He will also share helpful tips for all those who work with young adults or prepare couples for the sacrament of marriage. This overview also highlights Seasons of Hope’s simple session format that flows with a comforting blend of prayer, commentary, scripture, reflection exercises, faith sharing, fellowship, and Catholic tradition. Smyth will dive into the practical ways that parents, teachers, and those working in ministry can pass along the Catholic faith in a way that captures the hearts of young people and gives them a worldview that can withstand the competing messages of their culture. This webinar will help you respond to the myths and misconceptions you may hear from Catholics and non-Catholics in our world today. Leadership books pack bookstore shelves, but few are rooted in an authentically Catholic perspective. Join Sr. Margaret Kelly and Dr. Larry Boone for tips on auditing the communication effectiveness of parishes and church organizations as well as practical means for making meetings instruments of community-building and organizational strength. However, it is vitally important we get over our discomfort because we need money to do ministry and people need to give money in order to grow as disciples. * develop a richer sense of prayer.Practical, illustrative, lively, this rich presentation will provide essential information on resilience, compassion, spirituality, and personal/professional wellbeing. We feel as if we must be doing something wrong. To help the parish and diocesan leaders prepare themselves and their teens for this landmark event, Ave Maria Press is partnering with the National Federation of Catholic Youth Ministers (NFCYM) and the National Association of Catholic Youth Ministry Leaders (NACYML) to gather a panel of experts to help everyone in attendance get the most out of their experience before, during, and after NCYC. Michele Faehnle and Emily Jaminet say that it’s all about spending time with God, rather than demanding things from him. Advent is a new beginning for all people. Strange as it might sound, “the most wonderful time of the year” for evangelization and outreach to young adults, especially those on the margins and those who have disconnected from their faith community, is actually Lent. There are many kinds of leaders, but humble leaders take a ministry from “good” to “great.” But humility isn’t always intuitive and can even seem counterproductive. Good communication methods are central to the vitality of any organization, including a parish. Spiritual Direction is the ministry of being a trusted companion for another person on their spiritual journey. This webinar presents a step-by-step guide to set teens, and you who minister to them, on fire for Jesus Christ and lead them on the way to Heaven. Log in to the live webinars to participate in our question-and-answer sessions or watch the free recordings at your convenience. FREE SHIPPING on orders of $25 or more*. They draw six sacred rules from the Ignatian tradition that people in all walks of life—no matter what their current relationship to the Church may be—can use to cultivate a spiritual life both for themselves and their children. This is a perfect topic as All Saints Day approaches. In this webinar, Rev. In this webinar, Lisa M. Hendey of and The Handbook for Catholic Moms will discuss a variety of suggestions for communicating with, encouraging fellowship among, and spiritually empowering the Catholic women of your diocese, parish, or organizations. Pope Francis's exhortation from the Synod on Young People, the Faith, and Vocational Discernment is filled with insights, initiatives, and inspiration that will affect the way youth and young adult ministry happens in coming years. Es un gran recurso para catequistas y evangelizadores para introducir la fe de la Iglesia. In this presentation, Gary Zimak will offer advice for maintaining your peace as you serve the Lord and His people. Based on a year of research, John Cannon will discuss six lessons for authentic Catholic leadership rooted in the lives of great saint leaders. We’ll look at some ways to prepare ourselves and welcome sharing, as well as the essence of grief stories and how faith often impacts heartfelt grieving. If you know of a free Catholic webinar that should be added to this list, contact Anna Schulten at This webinar explores the national certification process for lay ecclesial ministers. In this webinar, Fr. Critical issues of communication and conflict resolution will be addressed, as well as suggestions on how to integrate the FOCCUS and Prepare-Enrich inventories into the marriage preparation. Hookup culture is prevalent among many young adults in the world today. It's a group that serves others in many invisible ways and yet is often ignored and overtapped. Sign up here and choose the ways you would like us to keep you informed. The training that Jesus himself gave in Luke 10 proved to be enormously successful and will work anywhere, anytime, and in any culture. Everyone hits the wall—exhausted, unmotivated, and stressed—and between the COVID pandemic and the upcoming holidays, the days ahead may look bleak for ourselves and those to whom we are ministering. A webinar with Neil Parent about Adult Faith Formation. Michael White and Tom Corcoran—authors of the bestselling Rebuilt and the Rebuilt Parish series—will help you get more comfortable with the issue of money so that your parish can have the resources it needs to fund its mission and vision. This webinar shares some of the key lessons Fr. Infertility affects approximately one in six couples in the United States. All over the country, people are signing up for this role, even now during the time of Covid-19. she will explore a positive view of our sexuality, suggesting that the very energy that moves us toward intimacy and communion with others moves us also to union with God. In this webinar, Jim Merhaut presents the developmental and faith lives of adults in their forties and fifties and offers insight into adult faith formation opportunities for parishes accompanying Generation X in this season of life. * Know the four “voices” we need in our circle of friends to have balance and courage in life; Quienes están en la Renovación, así como líderes fuera de ella, llegarán a apreciar las contribuciones que ha hecho la Renovación a la Iglesia y las oportunidades que esta corriente de gracia trae a la tarea de la evangelización.This webinar will be presented in Spanish. Enjoy access to free presentations by experts in every area … The presentation includes an overview of the whole process and a review of the steps to certification that applicants should follow. The goal of this webinar is to learn how to embrace both Hispanic and American cultures in your ministry especially with youth. Clayton will guide the participants' interaction with them in order to facilitate a spiritual pilgrimage to the heart of the season of Advent, resolving many of the issues that hinder the joy of Christmas. We're supposed to "give up" something we love (chocolate, wine, movies) for the next six weeks, though we're never quite sure why. White and Corcoran will reveal key opportunities to increase giving in the midst of the pandemic. This webinar will give you the top five ways to use The First Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola in your parish. First, Jared Dees will summarize and elaborate on the key points of both documents in a short overview that could easily be shared or adapted for parish presentations of these documents. Our decisions at these moments can either build their trust in Christ and the Church or break it down. Kevin E. McKenna will discuss how reflecting on and living the Catholic social teaching tradition can renew our parishes from the heart of the Gospel. In this webinar, Fr. Suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in the United States. No existe una mejor fórmula que el Credo para dar razón de nuestras convicciones de fe cuando nos piden razón de nuestra esperanza. Recent research shows that the single greatest difference between those who identify as Catholic and those as former-Catholics is "the belief that God is a personal being involved in the lives of people today." It will also discuss how formation for this rite in dioceses and parish can be a catalyst for the New Evangelization. During the webinar she teaches the particular set of skills that will help you engage in the difficult conversations that need to be had with and among your staff and volunteers. In this webinar, marriage experts and authors of the Joined by Grace books, will examine four factors in marriage preparation that instill the attitudes and behaviors necessary to make marriage preparation successful. Join Marc Cardaronella, author of the new book Keep Your Kids Catholic, as he unpacks this discovery and offers practical ways parishes can make drastic improvements to their religious education programs. Come along with Ann Garrido to discover five saints who were no strangers to conflict and who may have clues to help us unknot our own tough relationships. We will also consider the resources scripture and Catholic teaching offer to build communities where gay people can give and receive love. Professional Development Webinars for Parish Ministers Join Ave Maria Press online for a series of free, professional development webinars for parish ministers! In this webinar, Claire Swinarski offers information and insight on how to empower the women in your parish to understand that to be pro-woman is to be pro-life. Bob Schuchts, founder of the John Paul II Healing Center, will share insights gleaned from more than three decades as a marriage and family therapist about how to cultivate intimacy, restore friendship, and repair trust. This webinar will summarize the key findings and implications that emanate from the seminar and the project's extensive research into various aspects of parish life and pastoral leadership. The Church claims some of the greatest leaders in world history—the saints. In this edition of the Ave Maria Press Professional Development Webinar Series, we will host a number of new media and new evangelization experts in a roundtable discussion about how parishes can use digital media to reach new people and connect with their parishioners. In this webinar, Kevin Cotter, Executive Director of Programming and Content at the Amazing Parish, will show what it looks like to help your parishioners take the next step in their walk with God and how their encounters with God can be the best thing to help others. While these issues of growth or decline are important to the health of dioceses, pastoral planning must focus on ways to create and sustain vital faith communities, no matter the circumstances in which they exist. Participants will be excited to practice the works of mercy themselves and, at the same time, able to convince others to join them. She also shares practical ways catechists and teachers are both agents of evangelization and witnesses to ongoing conversion in Christ. How often have you engaged in a conversation about sexuality and the spiritual life? Many people 75 years and older are living these words through losses, illness, and uncertainties. This webinar will encourage participants to use the season fully by spending time breaking open the Word and listening with full hearts to the call of the Lord. In this unique webinar event, authors of the bestselling book Rebuilt will walk Fr. Her spiritual memoir, This Flowing Toward Me: A Story of God Arriving in Strangers, was published by Ave Maria Press in 2009. In this webinar Marcel LeJeune, founder of, will guide you through an exploration of the stages of pre-evangelization, evangelization, and discipleship. * improve self-awareness; Lent is the time when the Church is on retreat. Sex is one of the most primal human forces that is often misunderstood and not discussed. Éste es un gran recurso para catequistas y evangelizadores interesados en presentar el tema de la Iglesia con entusiasmo. All Rights Reserved. We will never share or sell your information. These young adult ministers will offer creative and practical ways to help Millennials grow in authentic faith and in Christian community. In an engaging and easy-to-understand style, historian and author Steve Weidenkopf will share pivotal events and inspiring stories of the people who shaped the life of the Church during this often misunderstood period of history. The five lectio divina questions we use to encounter Christ in Scripture can be applied to everything we teach. Studies show that Ash Wednesday and Lenten practices draw young adults in their 20s and 30s to Church in record numbers, including those who are disaffiliated. In this webinar, Sr. Janet Schaeffler, OP explores some of background principles for what we might do in our parishes today as well as practical, usable, sensible, and realistic methods and practices. How we listen to homilies (and how we help others listen) is an important part of evangelism and parish ministry. They’re consuming a lot, but processing very little.Join Catholic author and speaker Katie Prejean McGrady as she discusses how to help young people feel connected while accompanying them through abruptly ended school years, uncertain summer plans, and the worry and fear of these times.Prejean McGrady will share three things adults can do for teens and young people and explore strategies on how to stay mentally healthy and focused as ministers serving during this pandemic. This webinar will reveal the training that Jesus gave his disciples in Luke 10 that you can use today for success as a parish minister. When gay people come to Church--or when gay kids grow up Catholic--what do they see? Fr. Teachers who use a multiple intelligences approach will appreciate the tips contained in this presentation as will all schools hoping to establish a cross-over between theology departments and English departments. 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