Cardo santo - Cnicus benedictus Nombre: Cnicus benedictus L. Cosecha: Desde finales de primavera hasta finales de verano Propiedades: Cicatrizante, febrífugo, tónico, diurético, aperitivo Familia: Compuesto Nombres comunes: Coche ... Plantas medicinales It's scientifically referred to as Cnicus benedictus. Blessed thistle extract was found to be strongly sensitizing in a study of 12 species in the Asteraceae family.Blumenthal 2000, Duke 2002, Ulbricht 2008, At high doses (5 to 6 g), blessed thistle is a known emetic.Blumenthal 2000, Duke 2002, Ulbricht 2008 Avoid use in persons with gastric ulcers, as stimulation of gastric acid secretion has been reported.Blumenthal 2000, Duke 2002, Ulbricht 2008, Clinical information is limited. ¿Hasta qué punto son tan insaludables las cortezas de cerdo? Antibiótico. Puede ser interesante, en periodos de falta de apetito o anemia, combinar esta planta medicinal con otras (como el marrubio) antes de las comidas. Se usa como complemente en el tratamiento de hemorroides y úlceras gastroduodenales. provides accurate and independent information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products. Además, activa las secreciones mucosas del estómago y los jugos gástricos y facilita la entrada de alimento. Today, blessed thistle is prepared as a tea and used for loss of appetite and indigestion; and to treat colds, cough, cancer, fever, bacterial infections, and diarrhea. Propiedades Medicinales Cardo Santo. Doses of 4 to 6 g daily have been traditionally used. Clinical information is limited. Esto puede acelerar el tránsito y mejorar la indigestión. Cnicus benedictus es su denominación científica, aunque también se le conoce como Cardo Bendito, además de Cardo Santo.. Es una especie espermatofita que pertenece a la familia de las asteráceas. Desde allí, fue transportada y extendida por todas las grandes civilizaciones. ). En otras regiones, le han sustituido la palabra santo por bendito, conociéndose la planta como cardo bendito. Botanical names: Cnicus benedictus How It Works The sesquiterpene lactones, such as cnicin, provide the main beneficial effects of blessed thistle in the treatment of indigestion. Annual native to southern Europe, growing wild in stony, uncultivated areas with lots of warm sun. The German Commission E Monographs, a therapeutic guide to herbal medicine, approve Cnicus benedictus for dyspepsia (indigestion) and loss of appetite (see for critics of commission E). Usos medicinales. Cardo bendito es originaria del continente asiático. It does NOT include all information about the possible uses, directions, warnings, precautions, interactions, adverse effects, or risks that may apply to this product. Se seleccionan la parte aérea de la planta, como las flores, pesando 10 gramos por cada litro de agua a hervir. Last updated on Oct 22, 2020. It was used to treat plague, gout, headache, fever and digestive problems. Anorexia/loss of appetite, dyspepsia (1,2,3,5,6,7), minor digestive complaints (2,4), flatulence, indigestion, intermittent fevers (1,3,4,5,7), stimulation of lactation (3,5), applied topically for wounds and ulcers (2,4,7). It is used in the treatment of the liver and gall bladder. It’s Latin name, Cnicus Benedictus, was given because its ability to cure was considered a gift from God. Egipto, la medicina egipcia antigua (1000 a.C) describe la utilización de hierbas como el opio, ajo, cilantro, menta, añil entre otras, para la medicina. It has sometimes been used as an herb to promote lactation. May, G. and Willuhn, G. [Antiviral effect of aqueous plant extracts in tissue culture]. creciente uso de las plantas medicinales y los resultados expuestos en este trabajo, se hace necesario establecer nuevas regulaciones en aras de controlar la aparición de estos hongos y sus toxinas en las mismas, ... Cnicus benedictus L 4 1 1 ND ND It is perhaps most well known for its usage with female related problems, though it should not be used during pregnancy. Por eso, personas que toman asiduamente antiácidos puede limitar su efecto. Hay presentes varios compuestos de carácter amargo que se están estudiando por su posible efecto como diurético, antibiótico, hipoglucemiante y antiinflamatorio. La hierba de cardo santo la podemos adquirir en cualquier establecimiento relacionado con las plantas medicinales. Vanhaelen M and Vanhaelen-Fastre R. Lactonic lignans from Cnicus benedictus. Avoid use. Vanhaelen-Fastre R. [Polyacetylen compounds from Cnicus benedictus]. This information relates to an herbal, vitamin, mineral or other dietary supplement. Cnicus benedictus. It is an annual, growing about 0.7 m in height with leathery, hairy leaves 30 cm long and 8 cm wide. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Blessed thistle has been traditionally used to stimulate secretion of gastric juices and saliva, to increase appetite and facilitate digestion, and to stimulate the flow of bile. Colds may be broken up with it, and it acts well in menstrual suppression from cold. The crude drug contains about 0.2% cnicin. It is a common ingredient in combination formulas for gastric health. The herb is regarded to be a galactogogue, emenagogue and abortifacient. Planta Medica 1977;31:375-377. La reacción que provoca la decocción de cardo bendito es aumentar la secreción estomacal y los jugos ácidos. Este vegetal se caracteriza por tener un tallo áspero y tieso de color rojizo, sin espinas y velludo. Data sources include IBM Watson Micromedex (updated 7 Dec 2020), Cerner Multum™ (updated 4 Dec 2020), ASHP (updated 3 Dec 2020) and others. We comply with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information -. Referencia: 192395. The previous pharmacological studies showed that Cnicus benedictus possessed antimicrobial, cytotoxic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, enhancing digestion and increasing bile secretion. Information regarding safety and efficacy in lactation is lacking. Se puede tomar 1 o 2 veces al día, antes o después de las comidas. The leaves (1.5 to 2 teaspoons per cup of water) and dried flowering shoots (1.5 to 3 g 3 times/day) have also been used.Blumenthal 2000, Duke 2002, Avoid use. Se usan las hojas y las flores. Propiedades beneficiosas de Polypodium leucotomos, Cómo utilizar el helicriso como planta medicinal, La importancia del compost en el suelo o sustrato, Aprende cómo se procesan los datos de tus comentarios, 9 propiedades del tomillo para nuestro organismo, Cultivo y propiedades medicinales de Nigella sativa, Saúco (Sambucus nigra): listado de propiedades medicinales, Cómo multiplicar plantas medicinales y aromáticas, Propiedades medicinales de leonurus cardiaca, 7 remedios que demuestran que Santolina es una gran planta. Blessed thistle was commonly used during the Middle Ages to treat the bubonic plague and as a tonic for monks. The dried leaves and upper stems, including the inflorescence, and the flowering parts of the plant. Dado alguno de sus compuestos, como taninos y heterósidos, posee buena acción cicatrizante, utilizada en algunos productos de venta en farmacia y mezclado con otras plantas medicinales de reconocido prestigio (como rosa mosqueta). Back. Así deriva su nombre específico, benedictus, de bendito o bendición. Anecdotally, blessed thistle has also been recommended for cervical dysplasia (7), diarrhoea, haemorrhage (5,7), and dysmenorrhoea (7). Anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and cytotoxic activities have been reported and thought to be due to the chemical constituent cnicin. It is considered a noxious weed and grows mostly in stony, uncultivated areas. Blessed thistle, used in flavoring Bénédictine liqueur, has generally recognized as safe (GRAS) status as a flavoring agent. It is available as a single herb and in homeopathic preparations. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Descubre las propiedades medicinales del cardo santo. ---Chemical Constituents--- Blessed Thistle contains a volatile oil, and a bitter, crystallineneutral body called Cnicin (soluble in alcohol and slightly also in water) which is said to be analogous to salicin in its properties. Its history of medicinal use is evidence of this ideology. Flavonoides: glucósidos del apigenol, luteol y kenferol. Diurético. Phytochemistry 1975;14:2709. Doses of 4 to 6 g daily have been traditionally used. Me apasiona el mundo de la alimentación y el potencial de las plantas aromáticas y medicinales para nuestra salud. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Ulbelen A and Berkan T. Triterpenic and steroidal compounds of Cnicus benedictus. Por un lado, significa "bene" que se refiere muy posiblemente a las virtudes curativas de la planta, y por otro lado, podemos encontrar un nexo con los monjes benedictinos que en el Medievo, utilizaban la planta como remedio contra la … This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Por la alta presencia de taninos, no está recomendado su consumo a personas con problemas gástricos (infeciones, trastornos inflamatorios, enfermedad d Crohn, etc.). Lactonas sesquiterpénicas (germacranólido: cnicina). It has long narrow leaves and is completely covered in fine hairs, with a characteristic, prickly, green flowerhead. IMMUNOClean™ Herbs Cnicus Benedictus 2012-03-03 . Al continuar con la navegación entendemos que se acepta nuestra política de cookies. Actualmente el cardo santo participa como ingrediente en la elaboración de bebidas alcohólicas. Kataria H. Phytochemical investigation of medicinal plant Cnicus wallichii and Cnicus benedictus L. Asian J Chem 1995;7:227-228. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Su consumo puede irritar el estómago y mucosa digestiva. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Propiedades medicinales del cardo bendito Curación de heridas y úlceras Antiguamente se utilizaba el cardo santo empapado en gasas para reducir tratamientos de acné, forúnculos, heridas pequeñas en vías de cicatrización y úlceras. Digestión difícil. It is important to fully inform your doctor about the herbal, vitamins, mineral or any other supplements you are taking before any kind of surgery or medical procedure. Subscribe to newsletters for the latest medication news, new drug approvals, alerts and updates. Blessed thistle should not be used in pregnancy. No clinical studies exist to provide dosing recommendations for blessed thistle. Plantas Medicinales » Hierbas medicinales » Descubre las propiedades medicinales del cardo santo. Este sitio usa Akismet para reducir el spam. Select one or more newsletters to continue. ¿En qué consiste la dieta AIP (protocolo autoinmune)? Cultivated throughout Europe as a beautiful plant to add texture to gardens as well as for its medicinal uses. Dong quai and wild yam, along with other estrogenic herbs can be used in combination with blessed thistle to treat menstrual difficulties and other conditions where a woman's hormones need to be brought back into balance. Las formas más comunes y tradicionales de aprovechar los beneficios medicinales del cardo santo son a través de decocciones de la parte aérea de la planta. HIV-1 integrase as a target for anti-HIV drugs. Medicinal Parts. Abundantes sales minerales (10 a 20%) y sales de potasio. Originaria de Asia, de la que fue importada, actualmente está muy extendida en todas las regiones costeras del Mediterráneo. Blessed thistle has been traditionally used as an emmenagogue and should not be used in pregnancy. However, there are no clinical trials to support these potential uses. Partes usadas Sumidad aérea. With the exception of certain products that are generally recognized as safe in normal quantities, including use of folic acid and prenatal vitamins during pregnancy, this product has not been sufficiently studied to determine whether it is safe to use during pregnancy or nursing or by persons younger than 2 years of age. Pfeiffer K, Trumm S, Eich E, and et al. Blessed thistle is native to southern Europe, western Asia, and North Africa, and has been naturalized throughout the United States and Europe. Blessed thistle herb has a long history of use in traditional European herbalism extending back … Blessed thistle has been traditionally used to stimulate secretion of gastric juices and saliva, to increase appetite and facilitate digestion, and to stimulate the flow of bile. Dispepsia. Aprende cómo se procesan los datos de tus comentarios. Cnicus benedictus - Blessed Thistle, also know as Carduus benedictus, Cardin, St. Benedict's Thistle, Holy Thistle, Bitter Thistle, Bitterweed, Our Lady’s Thistle, Lady’s Thistle, Thrissles, Blessed Cardus and Spotted Thistle.Cnicus is Latin and derived from the Greek 'knekos' meaning 'safflower' (a name they applied in general to thistles). Blessed Thistle: Cnicus benedictus. De forma externa, mediante un paño o compresa, se frotan las partes de la piel que se necesiten tratar. ¿Cuáles son los beneficios de mindfulness? Cnicin has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties in vitro and in rat paw edema tests, with similar efficacy to indomethacin.Duke 2002, Erel 2011 Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase and antioxidant activity has also been demonstrated by an ethanol extract of the plant.Paun 2015. Blessed thistle was commonly used during the Middle Ages to treat the bubonic plague and as a tonic for monks. It is a common ingredient in combination formulas for gastric health. Plant Trazas de aceite esencial (triterpénicos y esteroídicos). Cnicus benedictus (St. Benedict's thistle, blessed thistle, holy thistle or spotted thistle), is a thistle-like plant in the family Asteraceae, native to the Mediterranean region, from Portugal north to southern France and east to Iran.It is known in other parts of the world, including parts of North America, as an introduced species and often a noxious weed. The plant was widely cultivated during the Middle Ages in Europe and was used in many herbal formulations of the period.Blumenthal 2000 Its medicinal use as a healing herb was mentioned by Shakespeare in his play Much Ado About Nothing.Shakespeare 1914 It was thought to be useful against the bubonic plague; however, its main uses were for treatment of digestive complaints, gout, fever, and headache.Duke 2002, Khan 2009 Blessed thistle was also recommended as an emmenagogue and galactogogue, and for the treatment of intestinal worms.Duke 2002, Khan 2009 The plant's dried leaves, stems, and flowers have been used medicinally. Realizo trabajos de investigación y colaboro en el desarrollo de nuevos productos de alimentación para diferentes empresas del sector. It is a component in Bitters formulas, which are used to treat digestive issues. Incluso en unos de sus panteones se reconoce a la diosa Isis como la fuente de hierbas curativas 7. Always consult your healthcare provider to ensure the information displayed on this page applies to your personal circumstances. A día de hoy se están llevando a cabo ensayos para confirmar la acción antimicrobiana del extracto de cardo santo. Overview - Not to be confused with Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum). No clinical studies exist to provide dosing recommendations for blessed thistle. This is only a brief summary of general information about this product. Blessed thistle should not be confused with Silybum marianum, which is commonly referred to as "milk thistle. These cookies do not store any personal information. The German Commission E Monographs, a therapeutic guide to herbal medicine, approve Cnicus benedictus for dyspepsia indigestion and loss of appetite see [] for critics ccnicus commission E. Ecological Site Information System. Se usa tradicionalmente como desinfectante de heridas. Donde encontrar cardo bendito que sea cultivado en tierra sin pesticidas? Scientific Name(s): Cnicus benedictusCommon Name(s): Cardin, Carduus benedictus, Holy thistle, Spotted thistle, St. Benedict's thistle. De lo que se sabe actualmente es que puede tener actividad antifúngica y antibacterial, o al menos bacteriostático. Medicinal uses. Blessed thistle’s uses include dyspepsia (indigestion), loss of appetite (appetite stimulant), digestive aid, gastro-enteritis, liver and gall-bladder disorders. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. This product has not been reviewed by the FDA to determine whether it is safe or effective and is not subject to the quality standards and safety information collection standards that are applicable to most prescription drugs. Utilizamos cookies propias y de terceros para mejorar la experiencia de navegación y ofrecer contenidos y publicidad de interés. Platelet-activating factor antagonist activity has been reported; however, case reports of interactions are lacking.Khan 2009, Ulbricht 2008, Allergy and hypersensitivity to blessed thistle have been reported.Ulbricht 2008 Use caution in people sensitive to other asteraceous plants. Cardo santo (Cnicus benedictus), perteneciente a la familia Asteraceae. NUEVO! Atonía del estómago. Descripción Es un herbáceo de 30 a 50 cm de altura.Los tallos están muy ramificados y tienen el aspecto típico de un cardo. The bitterness of these compounds stimulates digestive activity, including the flow of … Es conocida así dadas las propiedades medicinales conocidas antiguamente, que la consideraban como una planta santa o milagrosa. Emesis is likely with high dosages. This product may be unsafe when used before surgery or other medical procedures. Antiguamente se utilizaba el cardo santo empapado en gasas para reducir tratamientos de acné, forúnculos, heridas pequeñas en vías de cicatrización y úlceras. El Antiguo Testamento menciona el uso y cultivo de hierbas como la mandrágora y el centeno 8. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn. Organically Grown Hawaii, USA. Flavonoides : glucósidos del apigenol , luteol y kenferol . Procede del sur de Europa y la cuenca mediterránea. Las hojas son oblongas, pinnatífidas y con margen dentado y espinoso. Confirmar la acción antimicrobiana del extracto de cardo santo ( Cnicus benedictus está presente en pequeñas.. Medical conditions, other prescription and over-the-counter drugs, over-the-counter medicines and NATURAL products dejando reposar la mezcla al! Health condition liver and gall bladder es que puede tener cierta acción relacionándolo... 2009, Ulbricht 2008, USDA 2016 Synonyms are Centaurea benedicta and Cirsium pugnax % ) sales... 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