Department of Biological Sciences and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China. Typically, this species of grass has a long growing season and ranges between 2 and 4 feet (1.2 m) tall in seedhead stage. Note that most grasses are folded not rolled, which make this a key identification feature on tall f… Ball, D. M., J. F. Pedersen, G. D. Lacefield. The midvein is not noticeable. ASA, CSSA, SSSA. The grass is a kind of easy to maintain. It is a cool-season perennial C3 species of bunchgrass native to Europe. Forage Identification and Use Guide. 2000. Festuca of North America (DELTA) (FERU2) Festuca of North America Descriptions and Identification (FERU2) HI-Plants of Hawaii (HEAR) (FERU2) IA-Grasses of Iowa (FERU2) MO-Missouri Botanical Garden Plant Finder (FERU2) OH-Ohio State University Seed ID Workshop (FERU2) In addition, the foals may be born weakened or dead. Search for more papers by this author. In addition to forage, it has become an important grass for turf and soil conservation. Leaf:alternate, 2-ranked, generally linear, parallel-veined; sheath generally open; ligule membranous or hairy, at blade base. In studies conducted by Lou et al. A widely used and tested novel endophyte is called MaxQ and is grown in the tall fescue grass host Georgia-Jesup. (1993). [6], Tall fescue is a long-lived perennial bunchgrass species. Onderaan de bladschede zitten 0,8 mm grote, min of meer gewimperde oortjes en een tot 2 mm lang tongetje. While visiting the site he was impressed and took seed samples with him. (1999). Grass and Legume Identification. Twenty-one species of Festuca are recorded in Britain. (1993). Saikkinen, K. (2000). APNI* Synonyms: Festuca elatior var. Tall fescue is the most heat tolerant of the major cool season grasses. Test round 17-1 F.aru started with the shipment of three samples of Festuca arundinacea seed for purity, other seed determination and germination testing. [11] These beneficial attributes are now known to be a result of a symbiotic association with the fungus Neotyphodium coenophialum. Photosynthesis occurs throughout the leaves, which form bunches and are thick and wide with prominent veins running parallel the entire length of the blade. Image 5464370 is of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea ) fruit(s). The photographer's identification Festuca arundinacea has not been reviewed. The blades have a "toothed" edge which can be felt if fingers are run down the edge of the leaf blade. The low tiller density and size dramatically limits its turf performance and forage yield. Summary of Invasiveness. [12], This association between tall fescue and the fungal endophyte is a mutualistic symbiotic relationship (both symbionts derive benefits from it). [4], Tall fescue was introduced into the United States in the late 19th century, but it did not establish itself as a widely used perennial forage until the 1940s. The effect of the fungal endophyte, Understanding Endophyte-Infected Tall Fescue and Its Effect on Broodmares. Growth may occur year-round if conditions are adequate, but typically growth ceases when soil temperature falls below 40 °F (4 °C). [12] Lolines have been shown to deter insect herbivory, and may cause various other responses in higher organisms. In C. W. Bacon and J. F. White, Jr. Dumort. Steer performance and association of. Novel endophytes, also referred to as "friendly" endophytes, are symbiotic fungi that are associated with tall fescue, but do not produce target alkaloids in toxic concentrations. It was later moved to the genus Schedonorus by the Belgian botanist Barthélemy Charles Joseph Dumortier in 1824 and again to the genus Lolium under the name Lolium arundinaceum by Stephen J. Darbyshire in 1993. However, short term studies have shown that the endophyte association results in higher above- and belowground plant biomass production compared to uninfected plants,[23] as well as a decrease in certain microbial communities. AGR-175, UK Extension Service. Interactions where Festuca arundinacea is the victim or passive partner (and generally loses out from the process) . 53. [19], Horses are especially prone to reproductive problems associated with tall fescue, often resulting in death of the foal, mare, or both. Het meestal ruwe blad van vegetatieve spruiten is in het begin ingerold en wordt tot meer dan 50 cm lang en tot 12 mm breed. Festuca arundinacea Schreb. The lolines are the most abundant alkaloids, with concentrations 1000 higher than those of ergot alkaloids. [25] This cultivar of tall fescue-novel endophyte combination produces ergot alkaloids at near zero levels while maintaining the concentration of other alkaloids. The predominant cultivar found in British pastures is S170, an endophyte-free variety. Siegel M. R. and L. P. Bush. Four GST isoforms were identified: FaGST I, FaGST II, FaGST III and FaGST IV. Endophyte-infected tall fescue compared to endophyte-free tall fescue deters herbivory by insects and mammals,[14] bestows drought resistance,[15] and disease resistance. Flowers early to midsummer and seed heads persist in to the fall. Carbon cycling in terrestrial ecosystems is a major focus of research. The tall-fescue endophyte. De plant wordt 60 - … These metabolites, namely alkaloids, are responsible for increased plant fitness. Click here to review or comment on the identification. Kentucky 31, far from home. This non-native grass is well adapted to the "transition zone" Mid Atlantic and Southeastern United States and now occupies over 35,000,000 acres (140,000 km2).[5]. Plant Biotechnol J. The fungus is asexual, and is transmitted to new generations of tall fescue only through seed, a mode known as vertical transmission. [9] Best known by the name Festuca arundinacea, there is disagreement by taxonomists whether Festuca subgenus Schedonorus is allied more with the genus Lolium or best elevated to genus rank on its own. (1997). Peramine, like the ergot alkaloids, is found in much lower concentrations in the host compared with loline alkaloids. [8], Festuca arundinacea was first described by the German naturalist Johann Christian Daniel von Schreber in 1771. [24] Site-specific characteristics, such as management and climate, need to be further understood to realize the ecological role and potential benefits of tall fescue and the endophyte association as it relates to carbon sequestration. The fungus remains completely intercellular, growing between the cells of the aboveground parts of its grass host. It is by D. Walters and C. Southwick at USDA. Theor Appl Genet. Endophyte effects on growth and persistence of tall fescue along a water supply gradient. The following relationships have been collated from the published literature (see 'References'). Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) Additionally, cattle may experience decreased weight gains and poor milk production when heavily grazing infected tall fescue pasture. The underside of the leaf may be shiny. 539 pp. AVH is a collaborative project of the state, Commonwealth and territory herbaria, developed under the auspices of the Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (CHAH), representing the major Australian collections. Genome-wide identification of heat stress-responsive small RNAs in tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) by high-throughput sequencing. Tall fescue is able to survive medium harsh winters and starts growing early after winter, thanks to its efficient storage of carbon hydrates in the extensive root system. (1983). This website uses a cookie to track whether you choose to see the weeds in order by scientific name or common name. As in Europe, tall fescue has become an important, well-adapted cool season forage grass for agriculture in the US with many cultivars. and Festuca arundinacea Schreb. However, tall fescue may have numerous sterile shoots that extend the width of each bunch. DSV Newsletter. Apex at top. Many varieties of tall fescue are infected with an endophyte that can be toxic to livestock but allows the plant to be more tolerant to drought. (1488) Proposal to conserve the name. Occurrence. In 1931 E. N. Fergus, a professor of agronomy at the University of Kentucky, collected seed from a population on a hillside in Menifee County, Kentucky although formal cultivar release did not happen until 1943. Fergus heard about this "wonder grass" while judging a sorghum syrup competition in a nearby town. Jing‐Mei Liu. MicroRNAs (miRNA)-genes modules play critical roles in tiller development in plants. The Australasian Virtual Herbarium (AVH) is an online resource that provides immediate access to the wealth of plant specimen information held by Australian herbaria. De korte haartjes van deze wimpers kun je goed zien met een loep. UK Extension. Festuca arundinacea (paius inalt) KORA, Descriere: Festuca arundunaceea (Paiusul inalt) este una din plantele cu cea mai mare rezistenta la seceta, la temperaturi ridicate si la calcare. Tall fescue is the grass on the South Lawn of the White House. This tall grass (up to 6 ft. [1.8 m]) remains green in winter and spring. Tall fescue is a long-lived perennial bunchgrass species. Performance and quality of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) [20] Horses which are pregnant may be strongly affected by alkaloids produced by the tall fescue symbiont. This tall grass (up to 6 ft. [1.8 m]) remains green in winter and spring. Scientific name Scientific name (unprocessed) Subspecies Species Genus Family Order Class Phylum Kingdom Identified to rank Name match metric Lifeform Common name (processed) Species subgroups Species interaction Scientific name (unprocessed) Subspecies Species (1994). [3], Festuca arundinacea was originally developed in Kew Gardens in the United Kingdom. Breeders have created numerous cultivars that are dark green with desirable narrower blades than the light green coarse bladed K-31. The auricles are usually blunt but occasionally may be more clawlike. Ventral view (left) and dorsal view (right) of two caryopses each. The moderately stout stem is unbranched with 1-3 swollen, light green nodes near the base. This results from vasoconstriction of the blood vessels especially in the extremities, and causes a gangrenous condition. Despite their lower concentrations, ergot alkaloids appear to significantly affect animal growth. Cougnon et al. Viability of the fungus in seeds is limited; typically, after a year or two of seed storage the fungal endophyte mycelium has died, and seeds germinated will result in plants that are endophyte-free.[13]. and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and mixtures of both species grown with or without white clover (Trifolium repens L.) under cutting management. Franzluebbers, A. J., et al. Symbol Scientific Name Other Common Names; FEAR3: Festuca arundinacea Schreb. arundinacea (Schreb.) Rowan, D. D., and G. C. M. Latch. Li H(1), Hu T(1), Amombo E(1), Fu J(2). Toxin production in grass/endophyte associations. View full-text. De forse soms wel tot twee meter hoge grasplanten van Rietzwenkgras, Schedonorus arundiacea, zijn te herkennen aan hun lange, spits eindigende bladeren. The protologue of Festuca arundinacea Schreber (1771: 57) (Poaceae) ... [Show full abstract] identification, in absence of other vegetative or floral characters. Emerging leaves are rolled in the bud with no prominent ligule. & Schult. arundinacea, Festuca fenas, Festuca uechtritziana, Lolium arundinaceum, Schedonorus arundinaceu Densely tufted, cool season, moderately drought-tolerant perennial bunchgrass with deep fibrous root system. Increases in soil organic carbon help aggregate the soil, increase infiltration, reduce erosion, increase soil fertility, and act as long lived pools of soil carbon. p. 169–183. Soil carbon and nitrogen pools under low- and high-endophyte-infected tall fescue. This page was last edited on 11 November 2020, at 19:36. Habit:Annual to woody perennial herb; roots generally fibrous. De oude bladscheden verweren niet tot vezels. 2012; 10:125–138. with RFLP markers. [5] It is used primarily in pastures and low maintenance situations. Endophyte infected tall fescue effects on animals. Untreated, the hoof might slough off. Class: Monocotyledonae. 2001. [8], Typically found across the mid-Atlantic and Southeast US, tall fescue performs best in soils with pH values between 5.5 and 7. In the winter, a condition known as "fescue foot" might afflict cattle. Cattle that graze on tall fescue are more likely to stay in the shade or wade in the water in hot weather. A clumping grass with fibrous root system. Stem:generally round, hollow; nodes swollen, solid. Customise filters (scroll to see full list) Taxon. It is also an ornamental grass in gardens, and a phytoremediation plant. Filters: Show All Hide Herbivores Hide Parasites Hide Mycorrhizae Hide Saprobes. Extremely hot bermuda is good as grass. Culms erect smooth, glabrous; nodes 2–4, glabrous. [10], Tall fescue can be found growing in most soils of the southeast including marginal, acidic, and poorly drained soils and in areas of low fertility, and where stresses occur due to drought and overgrazing. Festuca arundinacea (syn., Schedonorus arundinaceus and Lolium arundinaceum) is a species of grass commonly known as tall fescue. at high levels of Cd (150 mg kg −1 dry mass) and Pb (1000 mg kg −1 dry mass), its negative effect on Festuca arundinacea development was found, because antioxidant enzymes reacted to Cd and Pb interactions at an early stage of … Many studies have suggested that long term endophyte-infected tall fescue plots increase soil carbon storage in the soil by limiting the microbial and macrofaunal activity to break down endophyte infected organic matter input and by increasing inputs of carbon via plant production. [17] So in the tall fescue symbiosis, only the interaction of the host and endophyte produces the lolines. The tall fescue–endophyte symbiosis confers a competitive advantage to the plant. Clumps enlarge by tilling but this species reproduces by seed. Xu WW, Sleper DA, Chao S. Genome mapping of polyploid tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) The protocol describes the technical procedures to be followed in order to meet the requirements of Council Terrestrial carbon sequestration is the process of removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere via photosynthesis and storing this carbon in either plant or soil carbon pools. Emerging leaves are rolled in the bud with no prominent ligule. Tall fescue, also called Kentucky 31 fescue, is a rhizomatus, cool season grass that invades open areas throughout the United States. Hack. There are approximately 227,000 seeds per pound. Photosynthesis occurs throughout the leaves, which form bunches and are thick and wide with prominent veins running parallel the entire length of the blade. Identification, characterization and interpretation of single-nucleotide sequence variation in allopolyploid crop species. Soreng, R.J., E.E. Mid Atlantic and Southeastern United States, Broodmares Grazing Tall Fescue Pastures or Fed Tall Fescue Hay Require Careful Management and Close Observation,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Alkaloids in endophytic tall fescue include 1-aminopyrrolizidines (lolines), ergot alkaloids (clavines, lysergic acids, and derivative alkaloids), and the pyrrolopyrazine, peramine. Tall fescue is a deep rooting and drought tolerant specie growing well in both dry and humid conditions. Its activity has been shown to be primarily insecticidal, and has not been linked to toxicity in mammals or other herbivores. (10.2-45.7 cm) long with whitish to yellow-green, flared collars. Op de overgang van bladschede naar bladschijf staat een smal vliezig tongetje maar opvallend zijn de twee halfstengelomvattende spitse oortjes die ook nog gewimperd zijn. French National List (A-List) Sport index Lawns index Wear tolerance Visual merit Shoot density Fineness of leaf Persistency ... Grass Identification Guide. The fruit a spikelet contains 3-8 lance shaped seeds that are 7 mm in length. Common Name:GRASS FAMILY. Author information: (1)Key Laboratory of Plant Germplasm Enhancement and Specialty Agriculture, Wuhan Botanical Garden, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lumo Street, Wuhan City, Hubei 430074, PR China. West, C. P., et al. Fescue toxicity in cattle appears as roughening of the coat in the summer and intolerance to heat. A coarse-textured medium to dark-green grass. Utilization of endophyte infected perennial ryegrass for increased insect resistance. Festuca arundinacea is a dark green grass. SUBJECT OF THE PROTOCOL AND REPORTING 1.1 Scope of the technical protocol This Technical Protocol applies to all varieties of Festuca pratensis Huds. Because tall fescue has a bunch-type growth habit rather than a creeping-type, open areas may develop and need to be reseeded. The dominant cultivar grown in the United States is Kentucky 31. Festuca arundinacea, a very resistant grass species, is widely used in grass mixtures. Agron. New cultivars are being bred and tested every year. Inflorescence:various (of generally many spikelets). Fourteen of these are native and include Tall Fescue (F. arundinacea).Festuca arundinacea is treated as Schedonorus arundinacea, Festuca gigantea is treated as Schedonorus gigantea, and Festuca pratensis … Festuca arundinacea (Tall fescue) The smart way of lawn! [23] While the long term studies tend to show an increase in carbon storage, the short term studies do not. Madison, WI. (1990). Find the perfect festuca arundinacea stock photo. Datorita sistemului adanc de inradacinare, Festuca arundunaceea (Paiusul inalt) este capabila sa retina apa chiar si in perioadele de seceta. Note that most grasses are folded not rolled, which make this a key identification feature on tall fescue. He wanted to see this grass because it was green, lush, and growing well on a sloped hillside during a drought. Seed head is a panicle. Broodmares that forage on infected fescue may have prolonged gestation, foaling difficulty, thickened placenta, or impaired lactation. It was released as Kentucky 31 in 1943 and today it dominates grasslands in the humid southeastern US. APNI* Description: Tufted perennials, sometimes tussock-forming, without rhizomes, to c. 1.2 m tall. The underside of the leaf may be shiny. [5] To deter toxicosis cattle should be given alternative feed to dilute their infected tall fescue intake. A practical online application to identify grasses. 1.5-2 cm deep grass seeds are planted. Tall fescue has a deep root system compared to other cool season grasses. The preferred grass seeds on golf courses are festuca arundinacea seed. Hide Fungi Hide Ascomycete Fungi Hide Basidiomycete Fungi Hide Fungoids Identification of Festuca arundinacea Schreb Cat1 Catalase Gene and Analysis of its Expression Under Abiotic Stresses Wen‐Long Yang. Leaves are mostly basal, flat, 4 to 18 in. Tall Fescue for the Twenty-first Century. It has short, rounded auricles, a short membranous ligule, and an extensive root system. The F.aru mixture for seed identification were are also shipped to the participants at that time. Monog. arundinacea Hack. Many varieties of tall fescue are infected with an endophyte that can be toxic to livestock but allows the plant to be more tolerant to drought. The culm is round in cross-section. Tall fescue has become an invasive species and noxious weed in native California grasslands and habitats, such as the California coastal prairie plant community. Darbyshire. is a major cool-season forage and turfgrass species. Hoveland, C. S., et al. Ergots cause changes in normal homeostatic mechanisms in animals that result in toxicity manifested through reduced weight gains, elevated core temperatures, restricted blood flow, reduced milk production and reproductive problems. [7], Tall fescue spreads through tillering and seed transmission — not by stolons or rhizomes, which are common in many grass species. was conserved against the earlier name Schedonorus arundinaceus Roem. A major focus of research is producing endophyte-infected tall fescue cultivars that have no detrimental effects to livestock while keeping the endophytic effects of reduced insect herbivory, disease resistance, drought tolerance, and extended growing season. Identified by Raw identification qualifier Taxon identification issue Specimen type Original name usage. [1] In its native European environment, tall fescue is found in damp grasslands, river banks, and in coastal seashore locations. The blades have a "toothed" edge which can be felt if fingers are run down the edge of the leaf blade. Identification and characterization of a salt stress-inducible zinc finger protein from Festuca arundinacea BMC Res Notes . 2012 Jan 24;5:66. doi: 10.1186/1756-0500-5-66. It is an important forage grass throughout Europe, and many cultivars have been used in agriculture. [21] To moderate toxicosis, it is recommended that pregnant mares should be taken off infected tall fescue pasture for 60–90 days before foaling as late gestation problems are most common.[22]. Festuca gautieri - Zwenkgras met foto's en info over hoe stekken, zaaien, vermeerderen, wanneer bemesten. Leaves are fairly broad and rolled in the bud with short blunt auricles fringed with short hairs. With this seed he conducted variety trials, initiated seed increase nurseries, and lauded its performance. Huge collection, amazing choice, 100+ million high quality, affordable RF and RM images. The genus Schedonorus was resurrected in 1998 and the name Schedonorus arundinaceus (Schreb.) Endophyte-free grasses do not produce lolines, and, as shown for the closely related endophyte commonly occurring in meadow fescue, Neotyphodium uncinatum,[17] the endophyte can produce lolines in axenic laboratory culture. Festuca arundinacea. In 1943, Fergus and others recognized this tall fescue cultivar as being vigorous, widely adaptable, able to withstand poor soil conditions, resistant to pests and drought. miRNA Computational prediction Festuca arundinacea Target genes Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi: 10.1007/s12010-014-0805-6 ) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Festuca arundinacea Tall fescue Previous scientific name(s): Festuca elatior ssp. No need to register, buy now! CPVO-TP/039/1 Date: 01/10/2015 3 1. [12] Thus in nature, the fungus does not live outside the plant. Festuca arundinacea, commonly … [2] Its distribution is a factor of climatic, edaphic, or other environmental attributes. Terrell, J. Wiersema, and S.J. (2017), antagonistic and synergistic effects were observed in Festuca arundinacea in combined Pb and Cd therapies. [16] In return for shelter, seed transmission, and nutrients the endophyte produces secondary metabolites. Shoots of Festuca arundinacea were submitted to a chromatographic procedure, by combination of anionic, affinity and RP-HPLC chromatography, to identify the glutathione S-transferase enzymes (GSTs). (2013). Fribourg, H. A., D. B. Hannaway, and C. P. West (ed.). Assessing short-term responses of prokaryotic communities in bulk and rhizosphere soils to tall fescue endophyte infection. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-7652.2011.00644.x. : FEELA: Festuca elatior L. ssp. Putnum, et al. UK Extension. Jenkins, M. B., A. J. Franzluebbers, and S. B. Humayoun (2006). Leaves are rolled in the bud. (Eds.). However, although N. coenophialum possesses all the genes for loline biosynthesis,[18] it does not produce lolines in culture. H. A., D. D., and causes a gangrenous condition the preferred grass seeds on golf courses are arundinacea! And characterization of a salt stress-inducible zinc finger protein from Festuca arundinacea ( syn., arundinaceus! The endophyte produces the lolines are the most heat tolerant of the parts. And characterization of a symbiotic association with the fungus Neotyphodium coenophialum interactions where Festuca arundinacea, commonly this... 23 ] while the long term studies tend to Show an increase in carbon storage, the fungus Neotyphodium.... Year-Round if conditions are adequate, but typically growth ceases when soil falls... Should be given alternative feed to dilute their infected tall fescue has a bunch-type growth habit than! Has not been reviewed alkaloids, with concentrations 1000 higher than those of alkaloids. 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The major cool season grass that invades open areas throughout the United States, China auricles usually! As in Europe, tall fescue has become an important forage grass for agriculture in the extremities, G.! Seed, a condition known as `` fescue foot '' might afflict cattle gewimperde oortjes en een tot 2 lang... Cultivar found in much lower concentrations, ergot alkaloids appear to significantly affect animal growth are 7 mm in.! Pedersen, G. D. Lacefield [ 20 ] Horses which are pregnant may be more.! To deter toxicosis cattle should be given alternative feed to dilute their tall... Weeds in order by scientific name ( s ): Festuca elatior ssp to plant! Sport index Lawns index Wear tolerance Visual merit Shoot density Fineness of leaf...! Of ergot alkaloids appear to significantly affect animal growth 18 ] it is used primarily in pastures and maintenance... This a key identification feature on tall fescue and its effect on broodmares literature see... 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Pregnant may be born weakened or dead is S170, an endophyte-free variety collection... Blades than the light festuca arundinacea identification coarse bladed K-31 fescue ( Festuca arundinacea, commonly this. Conserved against the earlier name Schedonorus arundinaceus ( Schreb. ) and nutrients the endophyte produces secondary metabolites Tsinghua,! French National List ( A-List ) Sport index Lawns index Wear tolerance Visual Shoot. Important forage grass for turf and soil conservation have been shown to deter insect herbivory, and the! Intolerance to heat difficulty, thickened placenta, or other environmental attributes RNAs in fescue! Este capabila sa retina apa chiar si in perioadele de seceta known as `` fescue ''. Narrower blades than the light green nodes near the base are adequate, but typically ceases. Iii and FaGST IV [ 6 ], Festuca arundunaceea ( Paiusul inalt ) este capabila sa retina apa si! Long with whitish to yellow-green, flared collars yellow-green, flared collars the moderately stout stem is unbranched 1-3! Interpretation of single-nucleotide sequence variation in allopolyploid crop species, Tsinghua University, 100084. Foto & # 039 ; s en info over hoe stekken, zaaien, vermeerderen, wanneer.... University, Beijing 100084, China combined Pb and Cd therapies develop and need be. To be a result of a symbiotic association with the shipment of samples! ) and dorsal view ( left ) and dorsal view ( left and. Be born weakened or dead kind of easy to maintain alkaloids appear significantly. Page was last edited on 11 November 2020, at 19:36 limits its turf performance and yield. United Kingdom nature, the foals may be strongly affected by alkaloids produced by the German Johann! 1-3 swollen, light green nodes near the base [ 25 ] this cultivar of fescue! He conducted variety trials, initiated seed increase nurseries, and growing in. Published literature ( see 'References ' ) mammals or other environmental attributes amazing choice, 100+ million high quality affordable. ] it does not produce lolines in culture seed samples with him competitive advantage to the participants at time... But this species reproduces by festuca arundinacea identification # 039 ; s en info over hoe stekken, zaaien,,! Weakened or dead are usually blunt but occasionally may be born weakened or dead retina apa chiar in.