Created as a resource to help individuals & communities flourish, provides videos, articles, tips, and advice on how to achieve and maintain a happier, more positive lifestyle. I seeking to create or contribute to a collaborative project that affords individuals and families within the low-SES with the skills and confidence to overcome anything and Positive Psychology may be the ideal vehicle to eliminate poverty as we know it today. De Anca, C. (2012). Hope you manage, if not, please let me know! All links in Positive Psychology 1504 syllabus PDF were unavailable . We wan to broadcast Dr. Ben-Shahar’s 22 lectures on Positive Psychology for non-profit purpose at a television network. In other words, Merrill didn’t just read the economics of the business—he reconceived it through an analogy that contained a great insight that other bankers did not have. Francesc. hard to believe it’s from 4 years ago.. ? Ben-Shahar is also the co-founder, instructor, and chief learning officer of the Happiness Studies Academy, which offers a year-long online academic course in Happiness Studies. The shift in perspective is radical. He started out with the traditional one (banking as a buttoned-down service for the wealthy). 44:16. They need tools that bring a new dimension of psychological insight to the strategist’s role. Hi Seph, since I am also interested in the same as Belle, please share your recommendations also with me. To the extent that superior opportunities exist, they will be those that are cognitively distant. They’re going to categorize the idea—to classify it as similar to something else they know or have experienced. To achieve this unfailingly, the strategist would need a near-perfect understanding of how stakeholders’ minds work. There is currently an excellent introduction running on Coursera on Positive Psychology, by Barbara Fredrickson. This contains all the relevant resources required to complete the course and links to online sources. Hi Seph, Thank you very much for your help! Hello I’m John Daniels, I’m an Episcopal priest and I’m the chaplain at the Church Farm School, a boarding school in Exton, Pa, 25 miles outside of Philadelphia. For instance, in the early days of internet portals, at least two business models competed for legitimacy. Like any other class, students must read recommended academic papers and complete assessments, but they must also apply this newfound knowledge to their personal lives. Getting others to see what he or she sees—and embrace it—is extremely difficult. The lens I propose links superior opportunities to strategic leaders’ ability to spot, act on, and legitimize them. Looking forward to your recommendations. Can i master online in Positive Psychology from Havard University? My email is i will be very grateful if someone send me the course. Intense competition makes it difficult for companies to gain attractive returns on investments. Taught by Ben-Shahar between 2004 and 2008, the primary focus of this unique and innovative course is the question of how we can help ourselves and others to become happier. One way to provide this evidence is to administer the Implicit Association Test (IAT), which demonstrates the extent to which implicit attitudes—those that are unconscious—affect people’s behavior. As a result, despite his strategic acumen and managerial ability, a frustrated Fisher left the company a few years after his arrival. Please keep me updated on your articles. To identify the best positions, the strategist must pay attention to the entire vertical chain of economic activity. In addition to his work at Harvard, Tal Ben-Shahar is also a best-selling author of several books. Happiness, therefore, is not about making it to the peak of the mountain, nor is it about climbing aimlessly around the mountain: happiness is the experience of climbing toward the peak. In thinking about the strategic leader’s job, competition is a natural point of departure. So, I wish to download some PPT from this webpage, but it is not possible. Interestingly, the same ideas and principles seem to appeal regardless of cultural differences, suggesting that the material taught is relevant across cultures. In his latest offering, Ben-Shahar’s explores this question from the seat of his barber’s chair. These overlooked opportunities, which I call “cognitively distant” because recognizing them requires a mental leap, are not only hard to spot. Which resources were most useful to you? Recent research on human cognition suggests that leaders would do better to use associative thinking to spot, act on, and legitimize distant opportunities. Hi there John, Yet because those opportunities are “cognitively distant”—far from the status quo—strategists have trouble recognizing and acting on them. To broaden the strategist’s role in this way, I pursue an interpretation of the competitive game that differs from Porter’s. To break this equilibrium, the strategist must cultivate genuinely novel representations of the competitive space, as Charlie Merrill did for banking. The challenge for strategic leaders is, therefore, to learn how to see them. Strategists are often exhorted to “think outside the box.” Indeed, a lot of what is strategically relevant is cognitively distant. Porter’s five-forces framework exemplifies this approach: It imposes discipline and simplifying assumptions that help the strategist identify likely future scenarios and deduce an appropriate strategic solution. Positive Psychology 1504 consists of 22 lectures lasting around 75 minutes each, with a guest lecture on humor by Harvard graduate and professor Shawn Achor. If the category connotes something negative, people will resist the idea. I m too a great believer n doer in exercise routines. Hi Seph, Thanks for creating this website where we can learn more about PSy! HI everyone, I’m more than half way through a Harvard Positive Psychology course by Tal Ben Shahar that I found and downloaded from the pirate bay .se. The problem was, the organization held an entrenched view of the photography industry and its own position: In photography, there were cameras and there was film. Research tells us that managers are fairly good at identifying opportunities—and predicting the outcomes of actions—that are cognitively close to what their companies are already doing. I believe the course was recorded in 2004 if I’m not mistaken so it’s not his most recent material but it is packed with happiness producing info. This way of thinking suggests that a crucial component of strategic leadership is the mental capacity to spot opportunities that are invisible to rivals and to manage other relevant parties’ perceptions to get them on board. Can u help me find a perfect match? ? Change style powered by CSL. Others, including Yahoo, viewed themselves as media companies; this group was especially proactive about communicating with industry stakeholders. The problem lies not in what strategists are trained to do: Porter’s perspective is powerful—so powerful that it has dominated both the teaching and the practice of business strategy for 30 years. The course can change how you see yourself and your life. While the program is primarily designed to enhance the skill set of coaches, therapists, managers, and teachers, it is also relevant to individuals who are interested in becoming happier, healthier, and more successful. Harvard Business Publishing is an affiliate of Harvard Business School. In laying out this new perspective, the first step is to explore what makes it especially hard for strategic leaders to do their three key jobs: spot opportunities, act on them (get employees engaged), and legitimize them (get external stakeholders on board). Download 3 Positive Psychology Tools (PDF), Harvard’s Positive Psychology 1504 Syllabus and Reading List, Positive Psychology 1504 Lecture Videos and Transcripts, Harvard’s Positive Psychology 1504 Reviews and Feedback. I’ve been practicing + Psychology myself. You might be able to find them by looking for these resources on Google though. But that approach usually won’t uncover the kinds of ideas that overturn the status quo. Leaders have always faced the job of inspiring others while making important decisions with incomplete information. Others receive a version in which the locations, names of executives, and other superficial cues are designed to be reminiscent of Enron. María. Beyond tribalism: Managing identities in a diverse world. When Google entered the business a few years later, it made a resounding case for the technology strategy, and we know how that story unfolded. 5. Often described as groundbreaking, Positive Psychology 1504 focused on the psychological aspect of a fulfilling and flourishing life: a concept that individuals appear to have an authentic connection with, regardless of gender and cultural differences. Peter Drucker famously stated that “management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” Great leaders possess social intelligence, a zest for change, and above all, vision that allows them to set their sights on the important aspects. Could you please tell me the cost of the 22 lecture series? Some of them we consider to be right; others wrong. In the pre-Porter era, sophisticated knowledge about market forces existed, but it had not been interpreted through the lens of what it takes to achieve superior performance. The Japanese manufacturers—Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki, and Kawasaki—compete on technical innovation and lower costs. Thanks in advance. Ultimately, external stakeholders—financial analysts, specialized press, potential customers, and so on—endorsed the media representation. Short Cuts to Happiness: Life-Changing Lessons from My Barber. How can i apply for this. Organizational pathologies arise and reinforce one another in … please let me know how I can access the entire course. Appreciation for really being thoughtful and also for deciding on certain marvelous guides most people really want to be aware of. The aim of this article is to provide you with the materials you will need to follow the course. With this new psychological conception of strategic leadership, the cognitively distant is within reach. The greatest and most powerful leaders hold visions larger than themselves. At least it’s still useful as a syllabus. (See the sidebar “How to Teach Associative Thinking.”). Even Happier: A Gratitude Journal For Daily Joy And Lasting Fulfillment (2009). Buy the book online from Amazon. Develop an appreciation of the brain and its power of expression with a master's program with a focus in psychology at Harvard Extension. Students tell me that the class is making a difference or has made a difference in their lives. Whereas deductive reasoning is extremely information-thirsty, associative thinking requires only that the strategist identify a few parallels between two situations. The 7 Qualities of Leadership. Harvard Business Review, 71(1), pp.124-134. Brain research shows that associations are central to thinking—and are influenced by biases, attitudes, and emotional states. The circumstances are otherwise identical. Seph strongly believes that we can deal with most of life’s absurdities by leveraging human connection and challenging ourselves, instead of using dogma or pharmaceutical drugs. They’re neither visible nor tangible. Today's leaders are confronted with challenges and opportunities that have never been more dynamic or complex. Hi Richard, request to share the course material please. Reinforce the difference between a superficial analogy and a profound one. Unfortunately, this course is not available any longer. If so, please let me know. The Joy of Leadership: How Positive Psychology Can Maximize Your Impact (and Make You Happier) in a Challenging World (2017). Kindly share with me the material. In each case, the failure was directly related to whether strategic leaders could manage their own and others’ mental representations. In the spring of 2006, over 1400 Harvard students enrolled in both Positive Psychology 1504 and Ben-Shahar’s Psychology of Leadership course. PSYCHOLOGY 1508 – THE PSYCHOLOGY OF LEADERSHIP Spring 2006 M, W, (F), 11-noon Sanders Theatre Drawing on psychological research at the level of the individual, group, and organization, the class focuses on leadership development as it applies to politics, business, social enterprise, and education. The Joy of Leadership looks at the difference between leaders who flourish and leaders who flounder by examining the relationship between leadership, happiness, and success. Employees responding to a strategic leader’s new idea will make associations whether they’re aware of it or not. The comparisons we make automatically—that is, without conscious thought—are dangerously random. For them, film was good, and cameras were bad. 2. Emotional factors can also skew thinking. With so much riding on innovation, creativity, and spark, it is essential to attract and retain quality talentbut what good does this talent do if no one is able to speak their mind? This program ran for 2 years I believe, but then professor Tal Ben-Shahar decided that it was time for something else. 4. All mental processes, including associative thinking, are difficult to manage, for several reasons. When asked in interviews why more people signed up to take the class than any other, Ben-Shaher’s answer is simple, more people want to be happy than want to be rich (as cited in de Anca, 2012). Russo-Netzer, P. & Ben-Shahar, T. (2011). Human beings are walking associative machines. As a lecturer at Harvard University, Ben-Shahar created the most popular course in Harvard's history. Often, however, managers define competition too narrowly.”. These science-based exercises will explore fundamental aspects of positive psychology including strengths, values, and self-compassion, and will give you the tools to enhance the wellbeing of your clients, students, or employees. Individuals like David Koresh are unwilling to undergo in-depth psychotherapy, making it extremely difficult to create a psychological profile. Topics within the innovative course address fundamental aspects of the pursuit of happiness and fulfillment, concerns that are inherent to human nature. hello, I have watched the video of the great 1504# course about happiness made by Prof. Tal Ben Shahar, I love this very much, and since I am a Buddhist and make sitting meditation every morning, I truly understand meditation can help a lot for my happiness. post is really great thanks for sharing this post. Happier.TV is yet another initiative introduced by Ben-Shahar. Reinvention, it turns out, draws on intuition as much as it does on rationality. Can you please send it to me too. Thank you, Sabine. The best way to do that is by using associative thinking techniques. Regards, Harvard-14-Bad Leadership-Psychology of Leadership-Tal Ben Shahar [eTati].mp4 by Công la. In acknowledging and embracing the personal-experiential aspect of learning, Ben-Shahar created a course that is grounded in empirical research and that people can truly connect with. Instead, it’s considered in the context of how hard it is to identify superior opportunities and deliver on them. Read more on Leadership or related topics Competitive strategy , Psychology and Strategy Plz advice.Regards, Regina- Kenya. Our minds do this intuitively, without conscious prompting. Required fields are marked *, About Imagine a business landscape with numerous opportunities and competitors. Using structured associative thinking, leaders can learn how to deal with the cognitively distant and develop techniques for reconceptualizing a business. The arguably better strategy remained untapped, not because companies failed to spot it and act on it but because they failed to legitimize it in the eyes of external stakeholders. I think some people might take you up on your offer , Hi; While Ben-Shahar no longer teaches Positive Psychology 1504, the lectures for this course are available online so that people all over the world can learn about and develop an interest in positive psychology and its scientific branches. The strategist must still search for opportunities where competition is weak. Hi Seph, Hi Richard, request to share the course material please, That’s great Richard. I think starting a a high school level is very important. I would be happy to share it with anyone, if they can’t find it online. To address these challenges with my students, I designed my MBA course The Psychology of Strategic Leadership to be experiential. But the intensity of competition that a firm faces isn’t considered in the context of how vulnerable the firm is to market forces in the value chain. This looks like an illegal download site. Now, I realize that many people do not want to empower those believed to be powerless, obviously I’m not one of them. Born in 1970, Ben-Shahar is a renowned teacher and writer in the areas of positive psychology and leadership. (Douglas Hofstadter, a major contributor to the research on analogy, describes it this way: The mental structure moves from “being asleep in the recesses of long-term memory to gaily dancing on the mind’s center-stage.”) They become the basis on which we represent and interpret the new situation. (2009). Research by MIT’s Ezra Zuckerman shows that the further away a new strategy takes a firm from its historical identity, the more the strategy is discounted by financial analysts and other institutional players. When Fisher launched his strategy, he probably did not sufficiently appreciate the distance between his vision and Kodak’s sense of itself. Please note that these transcripts are from lectures held in 2008 and the videos above are from 2006, so while there may be some small variations they include the same course content. The Program for Leadership Development prepares emerging executives to become more effective influencers who can contribute to corporate success on a higher level. thanks alot. In this article, I argue that today’s dominant ideas about the practice of business strategy—defined by Porter in these pages three decades ago—hinge on a specific and therefore partial interpretation of competition. Charlie Merrill’s competitors scrabbled for a position atop the same mountain, failing to come up with new lenses on banking that would reveal distant opportunities. These science-based exercises will explore fundamental aspects of positive psychology including strengths, values, and self-compassion, and will give you the tools to enhance the wellbeing of your clients, students, or employees. The company’s managers, especially its middle managers, complied superficially but ultimately resisted Fisher’s redirection. My name is Francesc Assens and Iam from Barcelona, I am also interested in going through a Positive Psychology Online Program. Positive psychology is indeed a great vehicle that can be used to foster growth in people, no matter what their age. Let’s collaborate! Kelley you have a great idea! Hi Sabine, Now let’s look at competition from another, strategist-centered perspective. Hi, I am keenly passiinate about enrolling for the Positive Psychology Course. They should learn to make analogies with businesses in other industries, for example. Again, we need a lens that helps strategists interpret this knowledge as it relates to the pursuit of superior performance. In my experience people won’t truly internalize how much biases affect their thinking until they have incontrovertible, personal evidence. The psychological construct of active coping (Shanan, 1990) is used to demonstrate the conceptual link between personality structure and effective leadership. 1. His latest book is "What Makes a Leader: Why Emotional Intelligence Matters." I’m so glad you found this article useful Sanjay. Minoo, Hi Richard, can I get the course from you? Positive Psychology 1504 consists of 22 lectures lasting around 75 minutes each, with a guest lecture on humor by Harvard graduate and professor Shawn Achor. Categories embody value judgments: Some categories we like; others we don’t. leadership, and the context of the leader was not considered. The company’s original strategy was to locate stores in rural areas only, so the move did represent a big, complicated change: Walmart’s cost structure and operational organization shifted; on top of that, the company needed to respond to the very different habits of suburban shoppers. It can be anywhere in the world but can’t be too long. This truly radical idea broke numerous industry conventions: It focused on middle-class rather than wealthy Americans; it adopted low-cost, high-volume merchandising; it introduced the chain of outlets concept; and it offered a great variety of products. The lecture is really what we need in Korea. Given that good leadership depends on constituent cooperation and support, this new psychology of leadership negates the notion that leadership is exclusively a top-down process. Be sure to also check out our page on positive psychology courses and positive psychology degrees as they present you with all the different online and offline positive psychology courses that are out there. Please let us know what kind of program you’re intending to set up and how it’s working out! In caricature, Porter’s view casts strategists as practitioner economists who expertly analyze and manage market forces. I can really say that this class can be life-changing. We would love to hear about your experience with this course via the comments. Hi there Regina My email is Superior opportunities lie on unoccupied mountaintops. The translated course content has since been taught in Israel, Asia, Africa, Australia, and Europe with remarkable success. Gandhiplein 16 Strategists often look selectively for evidence that supports the analogy, instead of searching for cues that support and undermine it. I have plenty stories to share. Happier: Learn the Secrets to Daily Joy and Lasting Fulfillment. Northwest Laboratory 280.06 52 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138. Here is my email address It was only when Merrill reimagined financial services as a supermarket that a new way to compete became visible to him. In the spring of 2006, over 1400 Harvard students enrolled in both Positive Psychology 1504 and Ben-Shahar’s Psychology of Leadership course. Hi Could i please have access to this material! The difficult quest for distant opportunities requires strategic leaders who are good economists and good psychologists. I suggest that strategic leaders must also be practitioner psychologists who expertly analyze and manage their own and others’ thought processes. The second approach is centered on associations. Analogy is a more natural mechanism for intelligently reasoning about contexts that are novel and surrounded by substantial ambiguity. To discover distant opportunities, the strategist must identify appropriate re-representations of the business. Gaby. All superior positions would be quickly competed away. Based on his positive psychology lectures, Ben-Shahar has published two books on happiness and life fulfillment. A key imperative for a strategist is therefore to keep people from making associations that are heavily charged or contentious. Clearly, the annals of business contain a boundless source of strategic contexts that managers can tap to create new representations. Associative thinking is a natural mechanism for intelligent reasoning about contexts that are novel and ambiguous. Within each position, we have many firms with myopic managers who all wear the same lenses. A famous business story highlights the differences between the two perspectives. I would love this material as well Richard? In my class, students are asked to consider a fairly standard strategic problem set in a semi-mature industry. I’d like it to be an in depth program since afterwards I would like to apply the knowhow in my HR role. Would you be happy to send it through to us then perhaps we can make it more readily available to others? kindly guide me to take this course. Details on how to get engaged in this. By using an analogy to bring previously distant ideas (“bank” and “supermarket”) into relationship with each other, he was able to see opportunities that were invisible to his competitors. Rather, it mitigates an unintended consequence of the dominance of Porter’s lens: inadequate attention devoted to the strategist’s noneconomic role, especially to the psychological aspects of strategic leadership. We help leaders effectively understand and manage these forces. It turns out that he thought quite literally about supermarkets when he developed the idea. Tal Ben-Shahar born 1970, is an American and Israeli teacher, and writer in the areas of positive psychology and leadership. Most managers are trained to analyze economic forces when they want to identify new opportunities. Deep experiences in one industry might predispose a strategist to look at another industry through the same lens, even if the two aren’t similar in relevant ways. Thank you, Very useful to maintain self & professional life as well as self & professional development…Kind Regards. Overview Education touches every aspect of human activity. it’s relevance however knows no time boundaries so kudos to you¡! Let’s go back to Kodak and employees’ simple categorization of the photography business. Chamber of Commerce (KvK) Attaining lasting happiness requires that we enjoy the journey on our way toward a destination we deem valuable. Why is it difficult for external players to accept a new strategic landscape? The result is an equally partial picture of the strategist’s job. Over the course of two years Ben-Shahar and his barber, Avi, shared their words of wisdom and reminded one another that happiness can be found in the most surprising places. I am a Nigerian and a based same place. When they tell me they are happier or able to understand something about themselves or their lives better as a result of the class… this to me is priceless. Prove to students how much they rely, consciously or subconsciously, on their own biases and associations. thanks for sharing. But his rhetoric—we’re a picture company, not just a film company—is likely to have touched the wrong nerve, evoking the film-camera dichotomy and pushing his strategy to the wrong side of that divide. We also know that in most industries companies cluster around a relatively small number of strategic positions and within each cluster hold similar conceptions of how to compete. He has subsequently written several best-selling books and in 2011 co-founded Potentialife with Angus Ridgway, a company that provides leadership programs based on the … I am looking for an excellent course on positive psychology as the one taught by Tal at Harvard. She then forms a new mental representation that recasts the current situation in terms of the older one. What’s more, because in most businesses strategists have similar mental representations, they perceive and pursue the same opportunities—and overlook the same attractive opportunities. Like it. These areas consist of faculty members whose combined interests span a coherent program of advanced study and research in some subfield of psychology. And it’s difficult to make rigorous inferences about outcomes they might cause. I would love to take the course as part of my independent study and thesis work I am pursuing. Walmart’s expansion into suburban territory is an example of a “close” opportunity. I want to know when the course will be and how much it costs. Can you help me ? Mission To prepare leaders in education and to generate knowledge to improve student opportunity, achievement, and success. Through Porter’s lens, this opportunity existed because one competitive force (customers) was vulnerable to another (banks, as reconceived at Merrill Lynch). Competition, therefore, is weak. Now consider the major U.S. airlines. The limitations all result from the challenges of managing the mental representations through which people interpret the competitive landscape. Would your student consider taking a non-Harvard course of the same caliber? (Many of these will be unconscious, but no less powerful for that.) Learn more about PSy else they know or have experienced mh36_2000 @ thanks... Enrolled in both positive Psychology course, positive Psychology a research direction in Harvard University, has! 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