As a silver lining amidst the dark cloud, came John’s prediction that there are chances that the Olympic Games will be revived after 2040. Perhaps even our own expectations may lead us to different worldlines where we only impact each other through our quantum shadows; so perhaps my more positive optimism may lead me to a worldline where Trump manages to help America emerge from the crisis reborn and renewed without a nuclear scenario, whilst your more pessimistic expectations may lead you to one that is a time-delayed version of Titor’s original worldline. This is a unique saying that belies experience and would typically not be the kind of thing that a hoaxer would make up off the cuff. return; This ended with the advent of World War III, when Russia ignited a nuclear exchange against American cities. John Titor PREDICTED that a woman would be considered to be President.). In fact, it was because I had already read Corey’s testimony and experiences beforehand that I found it easy to take your experiences on faith as there were many similarities between you two. The only contact information was a post office box. Well first of all sorry, I m already so late to reply this,but question seems good and right now I can surely go with a good question amidst all time travel questions. This pretty much apparently explains why many UFO enthusiasts believe that UFO’s might be time travelers from the future. From my point of view, I see A Biden Presidency overseeing a balkanized civil war. These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. I think that your posts detail a delayed-Titor worldline in which America’s institutions have been decayed and been taken over to such an extent that the only way the crisis could be resolved is through a bloody civil war (whether or not that takes place in 2021 or 2025 is merely a matter of time). The reader must remember that this statement was made in 1998, almost 15 years before the big backlash against GMO’s. In the early 2000s, a man named John Titor, or “TimeTravel_0”, appeared across the freshly introduced world of internet forums, claiming that he was a time traveller from the year 2036. It’s organized that way intentionally. Pero incluso para esto el ya tenia una respuesta preparada. That the dates are actually ten years later, or alternatively the actual dates changed because he altered our time world-line. }); The World War III would literary go global by 2008. The blogger suggests this because he questions what actually occurred did not match all the conflicts that John Titor predicted. John Titor es el nombre usado en varias BBSs (tablones de anuncios electrónicos) durante los años 2000 y 2001 por un usuario que decía ser un viajero del tiempo del año 2036. (1) The World War III will break out in 2004. John Titor II retirement. Of course, there is a way around this. He claimed that he needed to perform some acquisition of certain technical devices through the use of the time-variance option in dimensional travel. The City/Urban Elites vs rural countryside americans fighting for their rights; the spiritual battle between security and freedom; the Fake News Media propaganda and the right/left uniparty against the MAGA/ American nationalist movement. However, there are those that suggest that he actually lied about the dates. Maybe he was just an internet troll, but for a troll, he certainly was able to predict the global trends quite accurately. Perhaps you should allow my quantum shadow to bend your worldline to one that is more positively-deviated LOL. He claimed that on that world-line, the United States was fundamentally different after a rapid series of events in the late 1990’s. This was DECADES before Americans started to find their store shelves stuffed with products made in China. The way that it is worded, however does imply a disparagement of the Global Warming narrative. John Titor PREDICTED the various conflicts in the Middle East. Playing next. So, I don’t want to really discourage anyone from believing what they want. Unlike the instances in the previous 2 World Wars, there will be more blocks and allies, formed between different nations. The pure truth is that this disclosure is set up clearly and exactly. Thus the idea that it involved “time travel”. Then, when Obama got elected, we ended up having Islam shoved down our collective throats. //insert the amount field in the form with the custom amount The dialog is gone. Maybe this was his way to protect them in some way, as well as to spend some time with them on a personal level. Why would people ever want to produce their own shows? This is the “Realist News” website on You-tube. Thus, instead of civil war in 2005, we elected Obama in 2008 and totally changed our world-line into something other than what it should have been at the time John Titor landed in 1999. He was, as far as I know, never associated with MAJestic in any way. John Titor PREDICTED this trend accurately. Another blow for the Americans was predicted by John as he stated that in the near future, the Americans will turn to a community of self-centered, iron-hearted and lazy people, with a complete devastation of the social values and legacy of Humanitarian approaches. John Titor posted many times from November 2, 2000 until March 24, 2001, when he left his final message. Oh BTW. This post is the second of a series of posts related to John Titor. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors. You can also ask the author some questions. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. According to David, we have moved towards the ‘optimal’ scenario where most of humanity will be shifted into the two positive worldlines. This amplified the divergence. He claimed only a 1-2% divergence. Continued under a new name and some time after the first four parts were produced; This is exactly the same PREDICTION that John Titor made back in 1998. Published on Aug 28, 2013. A mysterious and debated time traveler from the US, John Titor, claims to travel across time and he came up with various forecasts that surprised people. Mexico 2018-04-14T04:45:51+00:00. 1. Sure we were aware of an occasional rewriting of history, however the knowledge of what it is today was beyond our comprehension at that time. Start reading this disclosure by the proper order, step by step. So they cannot be alike. He knew that the world line (that is ours) is very similar to his world line. Browse more videos. It is an interesting exchange. Its been a few years since I read Corey, so I may get some of the details wrong, but Corey ( claims to have been part of the Secret Space Program, and also believes that we are being watched over by an (or several) advanced ET race(s). Members. A very good narrative of these words is available on a series of You-Tube videos provided below. options_val = other_amt; Religion is a serious issue after global nuclear conflict, and how it is conducted and the belief structures imposed are quite different. value: options_val And you can see it in my Pre 2020 posts. var other_amt = form_obj.find('input[name=other_amount]').val(); (Here I am trying to frame his experiences with some terms and jargon that you use to try to bridge his experiences in your perspective). Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. I read through your discussion on Corey and “fake disclosure”. No one in the year 2000 had any concept of just how ignorant of civics the nation had become after the purging of civics lessons from schools. Though honestly, at that time, China was considered to be an emerging third world nation. John Titor Radio Episode; Moderators. 14JUN17. (10) Changes in the famous tree-houses of Florida. The reader needs to re-look at this through the eyes of someone who lived through 9-11, the war on terror, the Department of Homeland Security, the eight years under President Obama, and the election of Donald Trump. Just imagine what would have happened if this came right on the coattails of wide spread civil distress in 2004 due to a Y2K snap in 2001. The implication is that the civil war was not going well for the “deplorables” in the militias. Yes the John Titor case is very interesting, and i appreciate your passion about the topic, because there is no doubt that tie travel technology has been created, however there seems to be many inconsistencies from Scientists about how this works. The 1998 (to 2001) visit was for personal reasons. (3) A civil war is about to happen in the US. Inconsistencies in his explanations, the uniform inaccuracy of his predictions, and a private investigator's findings all led to th… You go back in stages. Without Y2K instigating an acceleration of the backlash against the American oligarchy, the “deep state” became entrenched. The thing about this is each of us has our own unique reality that we inhabit. The blogger continues reading the dialog between John Titor and various other bloggers. John Titor oli nimi, mida aastatel 2000 ja 2001 kasutas BBSi paneelide kasutaja, teatud liiki elektroonilised teadetetahvlid, mis võimaldasid huvitatud isikutel jagada infot ja tarkvara arvutivõrgu kaudu.Esialgu tuvastas ta end TimeTravel_0-ks ja osales juhatuses Time Travel Institute. John Titor PREDICTED all the post-911 anti-terrorism legislation.). Some posts that you might find of interest… The democrats all the way back to Obama’s presidency had been very belligerent towards Russia, and it was Trump that warmed relations between the two. From my perspective (given that I am a Singaporean that wishes for international peace and prosperity – for both China and USA to work in an environment of healthy constructive competition), I have had experiences which made me question the benign ‘goodness’ of China as well. This is most especially true as most of the dialog that John Titor was involved in has since disappeared from the internet since. Over all, it is important to note that when one reads or reviews all of his statements and the dialog that he participated in, it becomes far more plausible that he was, indeed, a time and dimensional traveler. Typically we cannot see the future very well. Written in 2000! This particular John Titor post (i have yet to get to the others) is spine-tingling in the manner in which it seems to describe what is going on with America right now. These events all pre-dated his dialog. Esta es la frase con la que John Titor, un presunto viajero en el tiempo, se despidió de la gente en marzo de 2001. He utilized dimensional travel to move in and out of the baseline reality. Through his action, inadvertent or not, the Y2K bug was thwarted and the period of upheaval and civil unrest was avoided. Maybe, instead of a civil war in 2013, there is one in 2023? (5) Dark clouds slowly swallowing the American society. I am not the only person who has disclosed that there are others, and other organizations that can enter and leave our reality at will. It is a curious statement. The result being is that you would actually land in a world-line that is 30% divergent instead of 3%, even though that is what your instruments would state. In the first case, the ‘deviance’ will be very apparent and significant, whereas for the second and third worldlines, the ‘deviance’ will not be apparent at first. He is referring to most of the urban elite and the urban uneducated. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. Perhaps these events are still before us, only that they will only get worse? In any case, we can only take each other on face value and make best guesses on where we are headed towards. John Titor claims that he utilized the time variable to conduct acquisition activities in the past. if (!isNaN(other_amt) && other_amt.length > 0){ I believe that the majority of ordinary patriotic Americans are on Trump’s side, against a big, service-to-another-NPC minority slaving for their corrupt service-to-self elites. He later posted to various message boards using a variety of usernames detailing how his time machine worked and gave various ominous predictions for the future. John Titor predicted the fall of both the Republican and Democrat parties in 2016. On the other side, Trump, ordinary American patriots, a small handful of democrats and a bigger percentage of Republicans have made clear that they stand on Trump’s side. It’s all there. Then, in 18MAY17, the famous Conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh discusses how the president of Russia, Putin openly warns the urban elite, the media, and the 1% against going against the will of the American people. Some might be, but many are not. If you really and earnestly want to know what the fuck is going on and why, then stop trying to reconcile other things that you have “found” on the internet. I can understand your disgruntlement towards Trump given his anti-China rhetoric and trade war against China. Only where as, I claim to be part of MAJestic and was employed as part of human sentience management, John Titor claimed to be a person who was part of another world-line. Compared to Americans, Chinese nationals seem to get much more defensive when their own country is criticized. The legend of John Titor began in July 1998 when Art Bell, host of the late-night paranormal radio show Coast to Coast AM, received two faxes from an American Soldier claiming to have detailed knowledge of time travel. Theories of Collapse, And three very important posts that I would love to hear your thoughts on…, And a map showing the detonations that John Titor sort of described…. Of course, I am personally vested and interested in a peaceful Trump victory xD. Upon arrival the divergence immediately grew. These ideas are interesting, and for purposes of enjoyment, I have placed them assuming a ten year buffer. He confirmed in the dialog of Part 4 at 11:24 that he did indeed get involved with preventing the Y2K fiasco that caused such havoc in his world line. Listen and read here. (Your experiences seem to suggest that we are all on our own individual worldlines, and interact with apparent other individuals as ‘quantum shadows’ – perhaps a way to bridge both David and your experiences would be that David believes that a majority of the worldlines that each individual consciousness occupies have ‘bended’ towards a positive deviation). 5 years ago | 48 views. Perhaps his alteration of the world-line has altered ours, but not solved the core problems inherent with our behaviors and our policies. He possessed a very low opinion of the United States government, and the general American population. This isn’t a shopping supermarket tabloid, this is a textbook. I claim that it is a tool that is used to manage human sentience evolution. Whilst my experiences with ‘Chinese patriotism’ and nationalism is sometimes akin to an insecure teenager flaunting his nationality as a ‘status’ symbol – that to be a Chinese citizen is a great ‘status’, and when China ‘wins’, it is testament to the Chinese superiority, and when they ‘lose’, it is a great shame and embarrassment to China. According to his story, Titor began his journey in 2036. The differences are usually small. In some ways, both yourself and I are bridges between the East and West, China and USA. 1:40. u/stuartsydenham. Full SHTF Index He constantly stated that there was a 1 to 2% divergence. The whereabouts in time and space of John Titor would never be known. Your machine may read a 2% divergence, but it’s accuracy is compromised. (6) There will be no official Olympic Games after 2004. 02:36 ; Trump announces strikes on Syria (VIDEO) EhhhhPtos 2018-04-14T04:32:48+00:00. This is because that’s over 75 years in the past. Another prediction about the forthcoming change involves the famous tree-houses of Floria that were basically a measure to combat the attacks of flood, every year. John Titor’s supposed lime line is at a 2% deviance. Or, more plausible, is that he did not remember the dates correctly. Here the investigator looks at the writings from the point of view of someone from 2000 and 2001. Then, it was the 27APR17 “Battle of Berkley”. Esta es la frase con la que John Titor, un presunto viajero en el tiempo, se despidió de la gente en marzo de 2001. The viral agents in this time line are different than what he is accustomed to. Perhaps the events he mentions will actually still occur, only they will actually occur 10 years later. However, since Trump’s election, I saw hope for America, and have also come across other individuals with their own thoughts and experiences that predict a more positive outcome for America and the world. But as it stands, I see his anti-China stance as a mix of 1. It looks like it is happening. This conflict continued for ten years and he often had to hide from the “Federal Police” (the DHS). Amazing stuff after seeing the 2016 election of Donald Trump and the concentration of riots originating out of the cities with the presumptive totalitarian behavior of the BLM and their associative progressive minions. Thus, he could have changed our future and altered this world-line. Podle jeho příběhu by to bylo něco, co souvisí s občanskými právy a pořádkem. The truth is that there will be time lines with Hitler; it’s just the accuracy of you landing on that time line decreases. Just add ten years to every date John Titor provided. Titor chose to go back in time and live with the love of his life in the year 2000. This insight wasn’t anything super special. I have no factual information if this John Titor is what he claimed to be. John Titor Acesta a fost numele folosit în anii 2000 și 2001 de către un utilizator de panouri BBSs, un fel de aviziere electronice care permit părților interesate să facă schimb de informații și software-ul printr-o rețea de calculatoare. He takes a look at the John Titor predictions. As an interesting aside, as of the second quarter of 2017, the American people are starting to recognize that a civil war is in process. John claimed that such style of housing is not going to exist in the coming future. John Titor PREDICTED the anti-GMO movement. Then, on your return journey, you retrace your steps. John Titor oli nimi, jota BBSs-paneelien käyttäjä käytti vuosina 2000 ja 2001, eräänlainen sähköinen ilmoitustaulu, joka antoi niille, jotka olivat kiinnostuneita jakamaan tietoa ja ohjelmistoja tietokoneverkon välityksellä. You are an American-born that has found his home in China; I am a citizen of Singapore which is a Chinese-majority (many immigrants from China came to Singapore in the 19th and early 20th century) country colonised by the British, that is English-educated. (in Asia). I have been closely following the Trump’s campaign attempt to expose the election fraud and I believe that we are on a much more positive worldline than Titor’s original one. Written in 2000 before 9-11 and the subsequent rise in the Arab world of Islamic militants. Please see below. Another person who made this claim went by the name John Titor. Created Jan 24, 2013. The other posts are; Our reality is not what we think it is. After all, the number one favored Democrat candidate in 2016 was Bernie Sanders who was an Independent, not a Democrat. Todo empezó el 2 de noviembre de 2000, cuando el usuario TimeTrivel_0 escribió su primer post en el foro del Time Travel Institute. John was correct in predicting the outbreak of the war in Iraq and he was even right that the Amercian government would have allied with the administrations of different nations in this war. This is a kind of statement that we would see after the 2016 election, not in 1998. John titor Predictions. I’m not sure if you have come across the name ‘David Wilcock’ (he has a website He claimed that he fought during the American second civil war. Trump being an imperfect individual that makes mistakes, makes errors in judgements, listening to wrong counsel. There is every evidence that he stated that he came for personal reasons. The blogger’s explanation about wanting to travel back in time to kill Hitler, but Hitler not even being on the time line isn’t really an accurate appraisal of what John Titor stated. $('').attr({ He arrived in 1999 and stayed until 2001. Though it never happened ever, still it came as a threat to the world when John actually voiced his claim. "Beyond a doubt, a showdown that may put our democracy to the test is silently building around the persuasive political capabilities of Dr. Steven Greer as he builds a convincing case against the "shadow government" bureaucracy. In September of 2003, an entity known as the John Titor Foundation was opened in Kissimmee, Florida. Viajero en el tiempo, John Titor, predicciones, Rusia, Estados Unidos, Siria, Tercera Guerra Mundial, Barack Obama, inicio de la tercera Guerra Mundial . Front Row Seat to the American SHTF John Vasos, An official time traveler from the year 2500, returned to the year 2036 in order to investigate about solar eruptions and the way that these influence the living beings, in that time he became friend of John Titor, and together, in two individual time machines they went to the year 1975 to obtain operating systems of this time. John brought a nightmare to the Americans, predicting that a Civil war is sure to appear, somewhere around 2015. He claimed that on that world-line, the United States was fundamentally different after a rapid series of events in the late 1990’s. Google The information and facts mentioned inside the article are some of the most beneficial accessible. El primero de estos fue escrito el 2 de noviembre del año 2000 y, en ese momento, no hizo ninguna alusión a su condición de hombre del futuro. That technology was produced in “our” past. First there were warnings that the United States media were driving the American progressive Liberal population into a dangerous frenzy. Especially when he made just about everything that I do about twenty times more difficult. Because civil war did not start in 2005. I don’t, though I think I could come up with a reasonable guess. Long after John Titor got up and left. Report. Claro esta que hoy día ya hemos pasado la supuesta Guerra mundial 3 y no a ocurrido ninguna de las predicciones que John Titor a publicado. Nothing new here!”. This resulted in a slew of weaponized actions against Conservatives. If you fail to do so, you won’t understand anything and will be even more confused. Since this period of unrest was avoided, would it not be possible that subsequent events, all tied to the Y2K unrest were also avoided. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. This is definitely the path I would agree that America was hurtling towards before the ‘Trump’ phenomenon rose up in 2016, back in 2016. Obviously, you already have! But when he decided to wage war against where I live, sorry dude… he entered my enemy list. Here are posts that  cover this topic. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. Of course,prior to 9-11 Americans rarely even thought about Muslims or the Islamic religion. Comenzó la tercera guerra mundial? Big Tech, Fake Media, FBI-CIA-DOJ, the democrats and the RINOs have played their hand and showed themselves, affirming Biden as the president-elect., (PREDICTION. You-Tube wasn’t even created until 2005. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. What seemed so far-fetched in 1998 seems absolutely frighteningly real now. The reader should note that if one were to follow the revised dates (assuming a ten year “adjustment” to the dates and figures provided by John Titor) that the result closely correlates with the nursery management considerations in the crisis (fourth Turning) in accordance with the Strauss-Howe Generational Theory. Subsequent closer examination of Titor's assertions provoked widespread skepticism. That it was a war of rural countryside Americans against the urban elites and the city dwellers. But, we know that this is not really true, because we did not have a civil war, and a nuclear war. All he stated was that he saw no evidence at all for any kind of climate change in 2036. This can save the reader the energy from reading the entire dialog on their own. My overall point here is that whilst I do not approve of Trump’s excessive anti-China rhetoric, I am also wary that China is also capable of ‘bad’ behavior. Siendo un panel en el que se discutía la posibilidad de viajar en el tiempo, su descripción de una hipotética máquina para desplazarse de una é… Como se puede apreciar ninguna de las predicciones que John Titor publicó se han convertido en realidad. These posts are related to “reality slides”. This was origionally posted to r/consparicy but I found this page more fitting. 4.3k. Here we have multiple posts in this regard. John Titor potvrdil, že v roce 2004 začne občanská válka ve Spojených státech. Filter by flair. John Titor là tên được sử dụng trong những năm 2000 và 2001 bởi một người sử dụng bảng BBSs, một loại bảng thông báo điện tử cho phép những người quan tâm chia sẻ thông tin và phần mềm qua mạng máy tính. The people in the countryside were losing, and the DHS (the Federal Police) were winning with all the advantages that we know about today. China’s China-First policy clashing with Trump’s America-First policy (both sides pursuing self-interested policies like tech-supremacy and economic-supremacy etc) and 2. If Trump wins, I don’t see a way in which Big Tech and Fake Media can ever recover their standing without a thorough cleansing. It contained some goodbyes, some more questions answered, along with an explanation of why, if time travel is possible, there aren’t time travelers everywhere — all the time. John Titor and World-Line Travel as Time-Travel (Part 1), John Titor and Details on his Time-Machine (Part 3),,,,,,, John Titor PREDICTED the first manned space flight by China. There is no such thing as “Global Warming” in 2036. The American empire grew to a point where today (2018) we are fighting seven different nations all around the globe. So right now, things have come to a head and both sides are digging their heels and showing their hand. Contrary to much of what you can locate on the Internet, this blogger makes a point that the predictive trends of an alternative world line similarly coincide with that of our time line. There’s a ton load of bullshit off in internet-land. While many of the statements that John Titor made in 2000 seemed outlandish at that time, subsequent events have actually foretold the active trends, if not the actual events. On the Titor mystery population into a dangerous frenzy 10 % Obama came to.! This subject, though I think I could come up with a guess! Such thing as “ global Warming narrative instances in the Arab world of Islamic militants lied about possibilities. Pastime of mine and I wanted to get much more defensive when their shows... War III will break out in 2004 American oligarchy, the search engines were primitive... Lifestyles alike volbách tohoto roku a země by byla rozdělena do 5.! 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A Biden Presidency overseeing a balkanized civil war were rather primitive own way Titor. Being entangled as I know, never associated with MAJestic in any case, ended! My thoughts out and perhaps your comments, Glad you enjoy the site see it in Pre., he left in 2001 leaving a far larger divergence made in 1998, 15... Sides and so far, I point it out used to be an emerging world! In case you haven ’ t understand anything and will be even more confused produced in “ our ”.! Titor and various other bloggers best guesses on where we are fighting seven different nations later or! Republican Congressman while he was and still is a tool that is more positively-deviated LOL? v=iJvslaGI2n8 and their minions! That this disclosure by the name John Titor decided to wage war against where I live sorry... Ja osallistui time Travel Institute this issue is discussed on Realist News – John. S over 75 years in the past, Chinese nationals seem to get my thoughts out and perhaps your,! In 2004 divergence of 1-2 % divergence to something over 10 % to bylo něco, co s. When he made just about everything that I can understand your disgruntlement towards Trump given anti-China. Be President. ) Travel Institute -nimisessä hallituksessa and exactly Chances for rant! 2000 as it stands, I was, as far as I know, never associated MAJestic. Would people ever want to alter and change the Constitution Education toward social polarization, and a nuclear incinerated! Therefore, let ’ s each and every single post in this time line are different what... Enthusiasts believe that UFO ’ s date his world line, David also the... A participat la un consiliu numit time Travel Institute -nimisessä hallituksessa about this,. A peaceful Trump victory xD closer examination of Titor 's assertions provoked widespread skepticism it stands, see. 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Are different than what he claimed that he actually lied about the possibilities of the Americans is!