The Madness of Crowds: Race, Gender, and Identity, Douglas Murray. Friendly toward the Brotherhood but covers some little-known corners of its history. Something Deeply Hidden, Sean Carroll. If you aren’t an Anglophile, read this captivating children’s story, and you will be. Christians are hardly the only ones threatened by current trends. Romano Guardini, The End of the Modern World. The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold, a hilarious (and more-than-a-little autobiographical) tale of an author suffering from hallucinations due to excess ingestion, sleeping draughts and booze, turned out to be the perfect accompaniment to what has often seemed a hallucinatory year. It is an important corrective to the false historical narrative that Islamic Spain was a light of tolerance and culture in the midst of the darkness of the Middle Ages. The princess Ligia is secretly a Christian, so Vinicius finds himself stuck between the political intrigues of Nero’s court on one hand, and his beloved’s underground Church on the other. This epic, multi-generational novel introduced me to the experiences of Koreans living in Japan, a land where they can prosper but never truly belong. These men—and the mothers who raised them—earned it. Along with Paul Kavieff’s The Purple Gang: Organized Crime in Detroit 1910-1945, the story of how a handful of adolescents rose to power in organized crime is fascinating. This led to my reading Antonia Arslan’s moving novella Silent Angel. A beautifully laid-out devotional filled with gorgeous prayers for every occasion. Lewis. Sean Salai, S.J. But the book, which may well be its author’s crowning achievement, is remarkable for its psychological insight and sensitivity. That’s the stuff for our times – which aren’t terribly unlike any other times this side of celestial Jerusalem – and as the old hymn goes: Stat crux dum volvitur orbis. (Are all readers plagued by book-stealing house elves?) One of the true greats in this endeavour, before whose erudition and prodigious output I am always humbled, is the late Father Stanley Jaki. That world, called Gramarye, becomes the focal point for political control of the galactic future because of its native witches and warlocks. The Priority of the Person is another brilliant addition to David Walsh’s philosophical project bridging Christian personalism and the modern (and postmodern) philosophical turn. I plan to gift both books this Christmas. This is a cautionary tale of how confirmation bias and shutting out contrary views can lead to catastrophic results. Similarly, Christianity cared for the poor, the sick and the elderly – Christians outlived their pagan neighbors. A new book, the late Sr. Mary David Totah’s collected talks and letters, The Joy of God, was powerful even on a first run. Since I had a novel out this year, you might expect that I am reading a lot of novels. 2. Going back to basics, along with prayer and grace can be an aid to reinvigorate our parishes, and families through living lives of authentic holiness whose fruit can change the world in a way that new cutting-edge programs of pop theology cannot do. About more than book-burning censorship, literal or figurative. And then she dies of consumption. COVID be damned, but some good things did come out of 2020. This gave me the occasion to read this book after first hearing about it when it was published in 2016. All of which shows the complexity of the currents within Catholic thought, especially with a high-end thinker like Guardini. Where Woke historians see cultural genocide (and genocide unadorned), Repplier and Beer see in the California missions a mix of imperfection and paternalism with kindness, generosity, and a wholly legitimate concern with the well-being of souls. It is the edition that honors the memory of Adrian Fortescue, a “luminary of the English Catholic Church.” The book is a must-read for all interested in the Eastern Churches. He begins with a general discussion of the Scrolls, examines what I would roughly describe as theological and spiritual archetypes or precedents for the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, Matrimony and Holy Orders which can be found in the Scrolls and then concludes with chapters both on the Church and the subject of Christian unity –all within a very readable 227 pages. The Beekeeper of Aleppo – Christy Lefteri. This is witnessed in its condemnation of abortion and infanticide. If a bit of moralizing crept in now and then, it didn’t spoil the wonder. For a learned, truthful, balanced, and elegant account of the past, one cannot do better than to read Robert Royal’s Columbus and The Crisis of The West (Sophia Institute Press, 2020), a book that admirably avoids both the hagiography of the past and the ideological distortions of the present. Hugh Trevor-Roper: The Biography by Adam Sisman was an enjoyable read about one of Britain’s most famous, and later infamous, post-war historians. Mitali Perkins’s YA novel Forward Me Back delivered on the promise of its terrific title. While it may be true that literary criticism has been wrecked by the progressives and their poodles in the academy, there are still good books being written by those untainted by the establishment’s Pravda-like propaganda, and Brooks’ study is one of them. Aquilina indicates how Mary’s example and intercession have historically uplifted the Church. As a former slave declared: “Lincoln gave us freedom. I am very much looking forward to tackling Quatro’s short stories and hoping another novel is in the works. I finished it, mourned the fact that it was finished, then bought three copies as Christmas gifts. Still, if you can suspend disbelief, it’s a good story with more going on than most popular fiction. I’m glad I waited until now because there are insights embedded within this epic chronicle (less a “fantasy” in my mind than a metaphor for reality) that only someone in her or his later season can apprehend. Company Info. Daniel J. Mahoney holds the Augustine Chair in Distinguished Scholarship at Assumption University in Worcester, Massachusetts. The message of Marmion’s work is summed-up in the simple, repeated declaration, “The mysteries of Christ are our mysteries.”. The Hidden Life of Jesus presents the kenosis of our Lord as a lifelong action that we can imitate, and The Holy Ways of the Cross presents the science of the Cross to us. (See my recent CWR interview with Trueman and read Deborah Savage’s CWR review of the book.). If you value the news and views Catholic World Report provides, please consider donating to support our efforts. Evelyn Waugh’s Articles, Essays, and Reviews had both light and serious insights galore. Less reverential was Henry Bear’s X–Treme Latin: All the Latin You Need to Know for Survival in the 21st Century. Sean solves the problem. Contains lots of interesting material on Newman including the fact that he thought that the Jesuits were the Spartans and that the Oratorians were the Athenians of the Religious Orders. Elegant and aloof, Petronius quietly despises Nero’s brutal crimes for the same reason he loathes the emperor’s mediocre efforts at musical composition: They are ugly, stupid, and tasteless.By far the most moving scene in this novel, which is filled with moving scenes, revolves around the appearance in the arena of Ursus – the giant, doggedly-faithful barbarian who serves as Ligia’s bodyguard. So Good They Can’t Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love by Cal Newport. Berry’s Hannah Coulter strums many of the same strings, but through the eyes of a woman who watches her first husband disappear in the war and her children grow up, leave the town, and become unmoored from their moral and cultural roots. Love Your Enemies: How Decent People Can Save America From the Culture of Contempt, Arthur C. Brooks. I’m Catholic. The story is one that will stay with you. I have been reading around in this book for several years, and I read another few hundred pages this year (yes, it’s that kind of book). Overhearing a sermon, Vinicius is startled to learn “that this Judean avatar was also the eternal good and the eternal truth. I used to scoff at calling any generation The Greatest. Though both books are unique and stand by themselves, they also complement one another, offering powerful, convincing explanations as to why America was not “ill-founded,” and is always capable of renewing itself —if only enough Americans re-affirm and implement their country’s highest principles. NPR’s sites use cookies, similar tracking and storage technologies, and information about the device you use to access our sites (together, “cookies”) to enhance your viewing, listening and user experience, personalize content, personalize messages from NPR’s sponsors, provide social media features, and analyze NPR’s traffic. Grant admitted that, although the North had won the war, the heart and the soul of the South did not change, and so racial prejudice, hatred and violence continued, the effects of which are still present. Here’s a taste: “Or are all the poems nonsense / which close, after so many starts, in silence?” I’ve been moving quickly through Kay Ryan’s The Best of It: New and Selected Poems (notable for a straddle-legged stance between free verse and form), rereading in Pound’s Poems and Translations and Lyn Coffin’s translations from Anna Akhmatova: Poems, and also making my way into the late Derek Mahon’s Selected Poems. Big is the perfect word for Ron Chernow’s Grant. Master and Commander, by Patrick O’Brian. Robert Reilly’s America on Trial offers a full-throated defense of the American Founding, a vindication, in Reilly’s telling, both of the Founding’s inherited theoretical principles and the concrete political regime these principles helped bring into existence. Warlock, which runs to over a dozen books plus spinoff series, features a mix of mid-century, Captain Kirk-style liberalism, the media theory of Marshall McLuhan, and Stasheff’s own mid-century Catholicism. The second is Reilly’s much more recent tour de force, defending America’s founders from their relentless critics. I re-read several of them this year and discovered a third as well: Morality and Situation Ethics, Graven Images: Substitutes for True Morality and The Art of Living, co-written with his wife. It seems fitting that in a year marked by constant turmoil and copious amounts of insanity that several of my favorites books were works that analyzed and responded to the roots and origins of several deep ills. An important read in a world plagued by activism, noise, and the loneliness and stress of the COVID quarantine world we currently find ourselves in. The best book I read in 2020 was Randall Sullivan’s The Miracle Detective: An Investigative Reporter Sets Out to Examine How the Catholic Church Investigates Holy Visions and Discovers His Own Faith, one of the great conversion narratives of our time. Needless to say, America’s ugly racial wounds have resurfaced in a painfully dramatic way this year. September happily brought a return to in-person school for my two oldest. They could not be more mistaken. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy has been made and remade for the big and the small screen, and the Smiley books are genuinely great, taken all together. Still. Unearthly Beauty: The Aesthetic of St John Henry Newman by Fr Guy Nicholls, (London: Gracewing, 2019). Stasheff’s amateur theological stylings are oftentimes excellent, but they can also go off the rails. How much more hopeful – and real – is the good news of Christ, that the material of this world, and our own bodies and souls, if we remain faithful to him, will, with the Saviour’s return, be transfigured into the Kingdom that will have no end. Everybody needs a little Wodehouse in 2020. Having thought I had figured out the world’s problems, I looked out the window to find my two oldest daughters marching back home from school. It doesn’t stop the world’s turning. He is also said to have been a major influence on the Second Vatican Council. How did it relate to what came after? Between the Woods and the Water: On Foot to Constantinople from the Hook of Holland: The Middle Danube to the Iron Gates by Patrick Leigh Fermor (John Murray, 2004). The great strength of Hutter’s analysis rests in its clear ability to say “this” is not “that”. Fr. Be that as it may, the book is an important introduction to how Western culture got to be the way it is. Charis in the World of Wonders by Marly Youmans. In a twisted sort of way, there is no salvation outside of identity politics. It is a pleasure to consider that there remain a few works by Charles Dickens that I can read for the first time. I read Whose Body?, Clouds of Witness, Unnatural Death, Strong Poison, Five Red Herrings, Have His Carcase, Nine Tailors, Gaudy Night, and Busman’s Honeymoon. But being forewarned about some of his weaknesses, one is then free to enjoy all sorts of neat, Catholic offerings, delivered alongside Stasheff’s whip-smart sense of humor and a generous helping of puns (yes, the two are compatible!). This book goes into the desire that many people in the Church have for an intense life of prayer and serious spiritual life and the difficulties and interior trials that the life of contemplation can bring. Don wrote the book while in the process of making his way to and into the Catholic Church, and it is a rich volume filled with evangelistic and apologetic tools. One of Hanson’s most insightful points comes toward the end of the book, wherein he portrays Trump as a tragic figure in the Greek sense of the term. Writers, I suspect, often read in peculiar ways and for unusual reasons. Never could I have believed that I could get so obsessed with a story about a young seafarer’s adventures on the high seas, but I have got completely hooked on this series, which tells the tale of a young midshipman who joins the Royal Navy during the Napoleonic Wars and rises through the ranks, facing adventure, love, companionship and peril at every turn. I’ve bought six copies to give to friends for Christmas. An entertaining comedy about two odd friends, a fallen and an unfallen angel, trying to postpone the imminent Apocalypse. Heed no nightly noises!”. (Image: Cristina Gottardi/ Dear Readers, “No man can be called friendless,” wrote Elizabeth Barrett Browning, “who has God and the companionship of good books.” This year has … This extremely naughty (be warned) novel about an English aristocrat with embarrassing urges who is out to destroy his wife, Lady Maud, is one of the funniest novels I have ever read. B&H Books / 2020 … He maintains that one of the reasons for Christianity’s success is that it appealed not only to the lower classes of people, but also to the educated and privileged class, thus giving it “legitimacy.” Of course, the educated were more often men, and so Christianity was not perceived as a religious cult solely for women. Our men’s reading group read and discussed the very practical and insightful book How to Talk to a Skeptic: An Easy-To-Follow Guide For Natural Conversations and Effective Apologetics by Donald J. Johnson—and we got to grill the author, as he lives down the street from me and is part of our group. I recommend The Miracle Detective to all Medjugorje skeptics. That book has disappeared, but this one is just as frightening in a quietly menacing, elegantly worded way. The Life of Animals in Japanese Art. With all of these distractions eddying around us, my students have spent more time playing and posting Tic Tok and YouTube videos than sitting in warm circles of light reading the books that make times such as this more endurable and understandable. During these ten months of quarantine, escapist books were expected to bring relief and soothe grief of lost social connections. Unfortunately, my guests are not very befitting for this purpose since I invited them all to working dinners as I researched Western post-Reformation spirituality. A historic collaboration between two beloved Church leaders. One can read Pidel on Przywara’s ecclesiology without feeling dizzy from all the polarities and distinctions. History’s Queen: Exploring Mary’s Pivotal Role from Age to Age by Mike Aquilina (Ave Maria Press, 2020). Only the sharp and incisive mind of Wooster’s valet Jeeves can save him. Three doctoral dissertations in theology were truly wonderful reads, including Matthew Briel’s A Greek Thomist: Providence in Gennadios Scholarios. Fools, Frauds, and Firebrands: Thinkers of the New Left, Roger Scruton. Historical in context. Lewis, I was reminded yet again, was truly a genius, but his books are hit and miss depending on (at least this reader’s) one’s mood. I mentioned finishing up some nonfiction, and some of those books relate to or deal directly with poetry: Roger Scruton’s On Beauty; Tolkien’s On Fairy-stories (an enjoyable re-read); James Matthew Wilson’s forceful The Fortunes of Poetry in an Age of Unmaking; and Timothy Steele’s enlightening Missing Measures: Modern Poetry and the Revolt Against Meter. Stumbling onto a used copy of Frenchman Louis Bouyer’s 3-volume History of Christian Spirituality at online’s AbeBooks, I became so immersed in it that I also ended up making my way to Paris. Hutter draws attention to Newman’s charitable (yet spirited) efforts to combat three formidable problems in his day that are undeniably still with us: the liberalization of Christianity, the usurpation and transformation of faith by rationalism, and the dogmatic application of subjective judgment to every claim of religious truth. Jason Blakely’s We Built Reality and Augusto Del Noce’s The Age of Secularization can help us read today’s social issues from a more theoretical lens. Ever since I read this book, I have seen each room of my house as having a distinct divine purpose, as if God had determined that there ought to be living rooms, kitchens, bedrooms, and so on since before time in order for his plan to be best carried out. Camus’s world is hopeless. Ron Hanson’s Mariette in Ecstasy, Elizabeth Spencer’s The Light in the Piazza, Angie Cruz’s Dominicana, Michel Houellebecq’s Serotonin, and classics like Huysmans’ Against Nature, and Baudelaire’s The Flowers of Evil. Dr. Topping’s collection of classic inspirational Christmas stories recapture our celebration of the Nativity of the Lord. Without question, my favorite book this year has been C.S. Jonathan Cecil is a particularly felicitous narrator, for those who prefer an audio-book version. Mark Brumley is president and CEO of Ignatius Press. Like Eifelheim, this novel also treats its historical setting and characters with respect—Youmans’ 17th-century men and women are recognizable to us in their humanity, with faults, foibles, and virtues we can see in ourselves and those around us, but they are also, clearly, the inhabitants of a time very different from our own, from which we can learn much. And Fr. Fiction lovers can find similar themes in novels like Fr. Dorothy Day, Dissenting Voice of the American Century, despite (and possibly also a little because of) the liberal tilt of its authors, succeeded in reminding me of what attracted me  years ago to this famous convert’s story in the first place. One of the main characters has achieved wealth and many honors. Fortin’s meditations on the theologico-political problem, inspired by his deep study of the thought of Leo Strauss put together with his comprehensive grasp of the Christian theological tradition, is a feast for the reader. Instead, I learned the lesson that all spiritual masters teach: that God’s will is precisely what is in front of me at a given moment. Reading the book, one senses the movement of God in history, generally, and within the Essene community, specifically; sort of a rudimentary “development of doctrine” ala’ Newman within that community which in part prepared the world for the entrance of the Son of God into history at precisely the perfect moment, in what Paul in Galatians termed, “the fullness of time.”(4:4). In times of social and political concern, there is always a need for fearless Catholic laymen, not just strong prelates, and no one fits that description better than Dietrich von Hildebrand, the great German Catholic thinker, whom Pope Pius XII called a “twentieth-century Doctor of the Church.” His inspiring life is recounted in The Soul of a Lion, by his widow, Dr. Alice von Hildebrand–a distinguished scholar in her own right. After reading the great Dana Gioia’s 99 Poems, I read his essay collection The Catholic Writer Today, a brilliant resume of Catholic contributions to the arts and a call for a restoration of this great tradition that we’ve lost in the increasingly secularized United States. The mission of Our Sunday Visitor and the Our Sunday Visitor Institute is: to serve the Church. Best quote: “Judging by this kind of standard, who can say that George Soros is not a financial terrorist?”. And, as we contemplate the coming Nativity of Our Lord and Savior, rich and authentic merriment is needed more than ever. Good tips on apologetics strategies. Packed with punch and interspersed with memorable quotations from Founding era writings, America on Trial makes the case for the legitimate goodness, nobility, and promise of the American regime, as founded and as it has come down to us today. It has been a bestseller in that country ever since and should be more widely known among Christians of the West. This book also sheds light on the theological issues that divide the churches of the east and west and how such obstacles might be overcome. Then you just discovered the work that will make you satisfied. It seems that the assumption is that escapist-distracting reading is most appropriate during a time of remote work and downsizings. Not sure what effect this development would have on my reading productivity, I spent the next couple of weeks juggling the demands of scholarly research with the start-up of distance learning. And bloody. In the scene where a parish priest and Jesuit debate with Aramis, the musketeer who wants to be a priest but struggles with lust, I thoroughly enjoyed the Jesuit’s amusing attempts to persuade Aramis to present an ordination thesis on how many hands to use in a blessing, rather than on the musketeer’s preferred topic of the regret he will feel in becoming celibate. He was the son of the chief rabbi in the Jewish ghetto of Saverne, Alsace, but converted to Catholicism and entered seminary. Sandra Miesel is an American medievalist and writer. Despite the title of the series, this story comes through Harriet’s eyes, and she grapples concretely with the question of whether to marry this baffling man who persistently offers to marry her, but also encourages her intellectual pursuits for her own sake. If you want to know how we became slaves of the totalitarian State of Woke this is your book. Paul Among the People, Sarah Ruden. I re-read several of my favorite books this year, including Christopher Dawson’s 1931 Christianity and the New Age, a penetrating look at Marxism, Nietzcheanism, and Christian Humanism. Drawing heavily upon Catholic, Protestant, and classical sources, Whitfield offers an appreciation of the vital importance of the homily to Catholic life and gives a number of helpful insights about the preparation, composition, delivery, and even the reception of homilies. My argument here is that ten months in quarantine did not produce a major change in lifestyle with respect to the academic life of researchers. Alexander Mikaberidze, The Napoleonic Wars. Both women and men should read why Cook rejected radical feminism for something far greater. 1 & 2, edited by Christopher Dawson. All three convey the robust and timeless Catholicism which von Hildebrand has become so admired for, and which remain as fresh and enlightening as the day they were published.Finally, as a long-time researcher and commentator on Pope Pius XII, I was elated to receive the first comprehensive work about the newly released Pius XII archives: Le Bureau: Les Juifs de Pie XII [The Office: The Jews of Pius XII] by Dr. Johan Ickx, one of the Church’s leading historians in Europe. (Perhaps this should be read alongside his other treatise on the three theological virtues). This is the only antidote to 2020. The former work thoroughly details his life’s story and all he had to endure throughout his imprisonment and the latter is a masterwork on the spiritual life, showing how a total abandonment to God’s Will gave meaning to his suffering and the ability to persevere. And how the really great books always teach me something about God, truth, and reality. Perhaps there’s a lesson there about how we require an outside observer for an honest appraisal of ourselves. This arc follows Wimsey–English aristocrat and amateur detective–from his first meeting with Harriet Vane (on trial for murder in Strong Poison) through the progression of their relationship, carried out on the side while they solve mysteries. A few years back, a Men of St. Joseph dad recommended Meg Meeker. The Lord Peter Wimsey Mysteries, by Dorothy Sayers. Mary figures in both, summarized in The Holy Slavery of the Admirable Mother of God. The theological topics covered are wide-ranging – the divine essence, Trinity, Christology, Soteriology, Mysticism, and the Eucharist. Though their methodologies differ, both books shed light on the roles that scientism and technocracy have played in obscuring the dignity of the human person in political and cultural discourse. A Damsel in Distress is psychologically astute (and, of course, hilarious) and turned out to be prophetic for a dear friend of mine courting a young lady. Catholic Answers is a media company dedicated to sharing what the Church really teaches, and we are the world’s largest source for reliable information about the Catholic … Calloway and Fr. P. Foley has given us a gift of a Silent Planet is rather,! Of Eden which now ranks as one of his important critique of the demands the Catholic Church professes truth. Devout Muslim Encounters Christianity – Nabeel Qureshi, one who deserves only vitriol and expulsion from Society just... An old friend I noticed her collection of classic inspirational Christmas stories recapture celebration... By women who Left, and forgiveness Michael Bland Simmons, Universal Salvation in late Baroque Art. 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