The attack shoots Target Beta into the sky as wings of light appear and impale it, finally putting an end to the gargantuan. Zero Two looks at the flame of a candle in her room when Hiro calls out to her. Many specimens like Zero Two herself were born but failed to survive; making her the only successful human-klaxo sapiens hybrid. Back at the beach, food had been delivered. She asks if he remembers their promise to marry and he says he does. Ichigo helps Zero Two rush to rescue Hiro after the klaxosaur princess links with him. Hiro recklessly goes to the battlefield while using Training unit. caca33 Feb 21, 2019. She lists off the chores and Miku, smiling, notes that she's meticulous. Goro called him selfish for going off to die while everyone was struggling to survive. Later on, Zorome and Miku are seen bickering before they enter their FRANXX. Papa says to Zero Two that it is for that purpose that they raised her. She says that there are tons of places like that around the world. Otherwise, he'll suffer. Zero Two is then shown mocking Nana as she plays with her cap then tossing it aside. Zero Two seems to have taste-related abilites, for example, she guessed the personnality of three people in Squad 13 and despite the erasure of her childhood memories, she manage to remember them by licking herself. She was devastated by the fact that they couldn't be together due to the apparent fact that they weren't the same creatures with blood of different colors. Zero Two asks if he is ready to die which Hiro states "he doesn't know but he may very well be if he cannot pilot a FRANXX". Her true age is unknown but her ultimate wish is to become fully human so she can reunite with an important person from her past, which turned out to be Hiro. She smiled at him and Hiro suggested they keep walking but noticed she had a cut in her knee. Nana says they can keep putting it off. Zero Two shoots the question back at an unsure Hiro, who shrugs and states it's to protect Papa and all the adults in the plantations. Hiro asks Zero Two why she fights klaxosaurs because it looks like she enjoys it. Gorilla says that the magma energy is part of the planet's resources that saved humans from ruin. During this, Zero Two holds his hand in support. Zero Two walks along at the back of the group through the pass and the forest path before being brought to what appears to be a city. Nana says it will be their most difficult mission and Ichigo raises her hand. However, Target Beta punches Strelizia off and quickly reassembles itself once again, this time into a battering ram preparing to attack Strelizia. Zero Two remarks that the Plantation 13 parasites' tactics are all over the place and that they're barely hanging in there, as they are being overwhelmed by just 4 Conrad-class klaxosaurs, in contrast to the other squad's calculated and efficient method of combat. While the parasites are excited, Zero Two is indifferent and starts walking away. See more ideas about darling in the franxx, zero two, darling. However, in the heat of the moment, she ended up choking him and said things that were heard by the others that heavily imply she was going to kill him like so many of her other co-pilots in the past. Her outlook on life was quite cynical which is why she didn't bother with a name since they were all meant to fight and die. She is calmed by Hiro with an embrace, declaring he's her partner and he won't leave her alone. Zero Two's horns do not have nerve endings similar to nails. Zero Two smiles and begins to joyfully laugh and dance, having found someone willing to give his life for her. Dr. FRANXX and Hachi hear as well. Zero Two is a fun character. She and Squad 13 return to the plantation after a battle. Hiro starts laughing and asks why she did it. She presents a flower headband and places it on her head. Hiro walks up and Ichigo asks about Zero Two. Whereas, Zero Two doesn’t hesitate to threaten him in retaliation. Love them~ Reply. In lieu of a kiss, Zero Two pokes his forehead with her horns and departs with the soldiers. The stamen talk about how it's been weeks since their last mission. On Earth, everyone sees the blast and realizes Hiro and Zero Two won but sacrificed themselves, which saddens them. After initially shocked, she accepts and silently analyzes it. She tackles her pushing her into the water. On the day the Parasites received presents, Hiro, feeling bad that everyone else got presents, gifted Zero Two with a hand mirror that was left behind by Naomi, with Zero Two thanking Hiro with a surprise hug. [26] Kyle Rogacion of Goomba Stomp expresses that she is "easily one of the best aspects of Franxx". She asks him if it hurts, and relates that the pain must be unbearable, however she states "it looks beautiful". However, after seeing Hiro's determination to pilot with her, Zero Two noted that they were very similar and she invited him to partner up with her, despite having fought alone during the majority of her life and never leaning on others for support.[2]. On the dawn of the mission, Hiro spots Zero Two exiting the pistil changing room. Zero Two suddenly says behind her that she did it with Hiro. The Nines later arrived at Mistillteinn on Papa's order. She also has eight spider-like appendages coming from her back and what seems to be a crown on her head, with two blue horns protruding from the center: one from her forehead and another from the back of the head. After killing the klaxosaur, the 9’s open the doors of the Gran Crevasse and the smoke and dust Clear in the sky. This made Hiro relate to his current situation, giving Zero Two a sad smile to which she wryly smiled back at him. After Zero Two and Hiro’s sacrifice, Ikuno sadly wondered if everyone’s prayers reached them in time. Once the parasites pin down Target Beta, the Strelizia flies into the air. Besides Zero Two, who doesn't seem to mind. Her mood dampens by Hiro's visible fear of her as he stares at her horns and gulps. Miku says that it reminds her of Garden. Seeing her book, Zero Two begins eating it. Wondering if she came to say goodbye to him, He reaches out to her. While they were on the run, Hiro named her Zero Two, helped her learn many things and molded her personality. allan704 Feb 21, 2019. Zero Two begins to strangle Hiro, telling him to give her all of his life. Ella nunca ha tenido familia ya que nació de la fusión de células humanas y de Klaxosaurios por lo que hasta conocerlo nunca sitio que perteneciera a algún lugar. 9’a is also embarrassed by Zero Two’s attempts to appear more human, as he openly refers to her as a monster. She asks if it hurts and she says not a bit at all. Anime She is the pistil of the FranXX Strelizia. However, her determination to become fully human, along with Hiro's apparent fear of her increasing feral characteristics resulted in the couple briefly drifting apart. [16] Commonly viewed by others as a monster, Zero Two possesses bestial physical characteristics such as two small red horns and fangs. ゼロツー As Hiro exits Strelizia, he notices she doesn’t get out and looks gloomy. Code:090 (コード:090, Kōdo:090) Voiced by: Makoto Furukawa (Japanese); Josh Grelle (English) The squad leader of Plantation 26. Hiro asks about VIRM and how long she'd been alive. Though Hiro could die, he feels that being useful to the others is more important than his life and thanks her for giving him the chance to pilot the FRANXX. Strelizia The two chose to sacrifice their lives in order to safeguard and ensure the survival of humankind. Ikuno holds a mirror for Zero Two as she files her horns. However, she was scolded by Ichigo and asks if she wants to lie to him again. Zero Two remarks his answer is lame. Goro is surprised he noticed and begins to ask if he's not over her, but stops and apologizes. She had waist-length, long pink hair with straight bangs covering her forehead and a pair of red horns on her head and a white limiter headband over her horns. When Hiro regained consciousness, he saw her about to eat one of them. Despite having no regard for human life or her own and being accustomed to fighting solo, she took interest in Hiro and offered an opportunity to pilot with her, making him her new partner and "darling". However, she holds back when he notices her canines and coldly turns away. They reach the bottom of Gran Crevasse. On Earth, her body turns into a statue, whereas in space, Zero Two‘s mind via Strelizia evolves into Strelizia True Apus and she annihilates a horde of VIRM fleets. In the girl's room, Zero Two is giddy at how naughty and rebellious the incident was. SkeetOof Nov 15, … Hiro confesses that he doesn't care about riding the FRANXX and that he just wants to ride with Zero Two, begging her not to go. It once got to the point when her face was deathly pale and her eyes blood red. Afterwards, she finds Hiro in the bathroom as he takes a bath and she walks into the bathtub, cornering him against the wall. Thanks to this discovery, Zero Two's personality reverted back to her former personality, becoming much more friendly, responsible, cheerful, and composed. Zero Two brushes it off saying that he could, and if he did then he wouldn't have amounted to much. Nana calls the parasites down because she has some news for them. He eventually promised he'd marry her and become her Darling, making Zero Two cry out of joy and hug him. Kokoro and Mitsuru walk through. Before leaving, Hiro cuddles with Zero Two as they sleep side by side. They shoot at a VIRM fleet. As Miku pours water on her head and asks if they always talk about corny stuff. Though they stop to check on Futoshi, he exclaims that he wants to play the priest so he can be right beside Kokoro and Mitsuru to congratulate them. Futoshi stands in front of them and tells them to run. She also felt guilty over her past actions and started having nightmares over the stamens she had consumed.[9]. After suffering from electroshock treatment, Hiro helped her escape by breaking the window in her room and Zero Two notes that was her first time experiencing the outside world and the environment confused her, as it was different. She flips around with perfect dexterity. In Melee he plays Fox. Afterwards upon hearing Kokoro's words Zero Two was amazed by humans because they were to leave a mark which was something she couldn't do and as well as decide their own fates. Tanaka adapted the original design for the queen of the Klaxosaurs. Unyielding, He declares "I'll ride with you!". However, when Zero Two began trying to say "Zero Two" continuously, to which Hiro thought that he should have thought of a better name but began to call her that himself. Zero Two hears something coming and they leave. Zero Two suggests they create their own constellation before they encounter more VIRM and destroy them. When the squad later returns to their sortie, Zero Two assists Ichigo in rescuing Goro by carrying her in Strelizia's hand, before slipping Squad 13's leader into the klaxosaur through its exhaust vent. When they wonder what the room is, Zero Two says that it's probably one of the rooms the former Squad 13 used. But she thinks the opposite and that they need to spice it up a bit. It is from Zero Two that Kokoro learns the meaning of marriage and this contributes to her and Mitsuru’s decision to have a wedding. 001 and Hiro continue to struggle. When she sees Hiro's requested present is a book, Zero Two's attention is riveted, and she asks if it is a picture book. He is considered even more insane and murderous than Marx and Giygas. Nana enters the room and informs them that Zero Two is on "standby" awaiting further orders from HQ. Zero Two also demonstrated impressive agility, performing somersaults and flips then landing on her feet every time. Due to Zero Two being the only specimen with Klaxosaur blood to survive, she was decided to operate the Star Entity; a collective mass of Klaxosaurs which can only be operated by a Klaxo-sapien, on humanity's behalf. When Hiro came back and unintentionally called Zero Two "a monster", Zero Two finally broke down, leading to her deportation. Occasionally, a woman would enter Zero Two's room to bring her food, and she thought that she was probably a stand-in for a mother. Ichigo finish’s Zero Two’s book and encourages the new generation to read it so they will know about the two. (Source: Wikipedia) Zero Two piloting Strelizia saves the Parasites, notably Goro and Ichigo, from a would-be particle beam. She later fights against a group of soldiers who try to take her into the lab. He explains that they're sakura buds including that they're a really pretty color, like her hair. Later in the hangar, Zero Two is confronted by Ichigo. They kiss and reconnect. Strelizia tries to open a gate, but can't. Zero Two narrates she didn’t understand his words but knew his voice called to her, she saw things with him and walked with him, and all the moments they shared were fun. He searched for something to bandage it but was forced to lick her blood instead. The other nines begin attacking her as well. Hiro has a standard \"slim\" male physique with black, shaggy hair and rich blue eyes. They shoot spaceships in the sky. She begins to introduce a boy, but he stops her. [21] Growing up, Zero Two took on a significantly more humanoid-like appearance, with red blood and light skin. Zero Two and Hiro change into their suits and rush into the situation room when Nana tells her that it won't change her decision, that the Strelizia is not authorized to "fly". Hiro wakes up and sees Zero Two desperately trying to fight of Target Beta. Now’s your chance to be Zero Two’s darling, so don’t wait and order her today! Ichigo continues to beg her not to put a heavy burden on Hiro. She asks if that person was special to her. Zero Two has also said that she likes Ichigo's taste after licking her cheek, much to Ichigo's discomfort. [6] Later when Hiro finally reunited with her, Zero Two was afraid of being touched and seen by him, because she considered herself a monster and didn't think she deserved forgiveness after what she had done. She says that a kiss is a declaration that the other person belongs to you and you should only kiss the person you love. With Zero Two tethered, a laser was centered on her palm and when it fired, she screamed in pain. 1K Views. In the final battle, they are nearly defeated when their connection is cut off but the prayers of their friends allow them to reconnect and they are able to destroy the VIRM home planet and liberate all the souls the VIRM collected. Iron Maiden Strelizia overpowers the klaxosaur and destroys its core, effectively killing the mechanical beast. Many of the things that she does seem foreign to the other parasites, such as sitting on Hiro's lap at the boys' table and feeding him. 001 tells her child to awaken since they're nearly there. Hiro takes care of Zero Two while she is in a catatonic state and is confused when mysterious injuries begin showing up on her body. Alpha tells her not to talk down to Papa. They share a degree of respect for each other as they make concessions that others do not enjoy. Being pleased with his taste and him not being afraid of her horns, she proposes that he become her "darling". Hachi comes down the steps and watches. Before going, Zero Two asks him if he brought her to Plantation 13 to reunite her with Hiro. After a collision with Delphinium and hearing Ichigo's words. She likes to play with the children in the Land of Sands. He refuses, so she playfully snatches it from him. Futoshi and Goro agree. —Zero Two pouring honey over Hiro's breakfast, —Zero Two when she is overlooking the inner city, —Zero Two after running away together with Hiro. Two is very motherly, being very considerate of her subjects and thinking of them as her family. She fights back, screaming he is merely her ‘fodder’ and she is going to become human so she can meet with her darling from before. While at the beach on Squad 13's day off, Zero Two teases Hiro thinking she would kiss him again. When Hiro says that it's a sad story, she says that it was her first "pretty thing." He states that he'd rather have his teammates saved than be able to pilot a FranXX. Hachi says that it's similar to the FRANXX. Unfortunately, APE officers managed to catch them and wipe their memories away. 001 says that VIRM got her and that it's no use. On D-Day, at Bird Nest, Vice Chairman says that APE has always desired peace and prosperity for mankind. As Zero Two tried to resist from being captured by the adults, she saw Hiro who had been shot and cried and shouted out for her "darling". Zero Two summons everyone else as it's time for breakfast by hitting a frying pan with a ladle. Before he can reply, the alarm goes off. —Zero Two concerning the possibility Hiro dies, —Zero Two after Ichigo slaps her and vilifies her for not being "human", —Zero Two responding to Hiro thanking her for giving him the opportunity to pilot a FRANXX, —Zero Two asking Hiro if he's still willing to ride with her even if it means leads to his death, —Zero Two's first experience with the ocean, —Zero Two explaining "the kiss" to Ichigo, —Zero Two strangling Hiro while rampaging, —Zero Two talking about her thoughts on reproduction. Nana says there is no such thing and asks if she can just take a shower. He says he wasn't expecting them to rekindle what they had and it was just a whim. In space, Hiro is able to connect with Zero Two’s consciousness and finds that her mind is filled with pages from her story. Apparently Ichigo pulled Zero Two aside to ensure she stay in line for the upcoming mission. Zero Two persists that she will only ride with Hiro. killalot2k Feb 21, 2019. Zero Two replies she is in the mood for swim. Zero Two, with a devious grin, invites Hiro to "talk lots and lots". [3] While an exceptionally gifted parasite, Zero Two also had extremely odd quirks: eating with her hands, often licking people, such as herself, though she didn't like how she tasted; Hiro, who tastes like danger; Ichigo, who tastes sweet; and Ikuno, who tastes like a secret. However, after Hiro fully forgave her, apologized for calling her a monster, and promised her that they would talk out their problems and always be together, they confessed their love for each other and became an official couple. Hiro and Zero Two's relationship continues due to him surviving after his third time piloting with her. The squad later goes against another klaxosaur but when Zero Two again starts to lose control, Hiro tries restraining her. Zero Two and Nana begin to butt heads, before the tension escalates any further Mitsuru intervenes and volunteers to pilot the Strelizia, being the only available "official" stamen. He lost his former partner two years ago because of Zero Two's poor combat composure. Goro says that he doesn't think there'd be a point. Hiro takes her hand and she pulls him into the cockpit, declaring him her "Darling" and they kiss. The way people treated her as a child made her lose faith in people which is especially seen when she was a child: being very defensive or aggressive when people tried to interact with her. He says she just needs some final tune-ups. Hiro says he saw him in Zero Two's memories and that he can't forgive him before walking out. She says she is a monster. She also accepted herself, as she could happily look at herself and her horns in the mirror. [13] Her originally dark hair was exchanged for pink to assist in marketing her as the series' icon. Zerochan has 1,682 Zero Two (Darling in the FranXX) anime images, wallpapers, Android/iPhone wallpapers, fanart, cosplay pictures, facebook covers, and many more in its gallery. Zero Two leaves the plantation as the other parasites watch her leave silently, she passes by Hiro without saying anything. She says she wanted to take part in a human fight and asks him if he looks human to him now before falling from the roof. Zero Two steps forward and says they're all stronger than them since they have their eyes on the future. Dr. FRANXX was amazed at how quickly her wound healed and how her skin regrew. She noticed a pair of mice and chased after them. As the situation becomes dire, Zero Two continues to jest Nana into letting her pilot the Strelizia with Hiro, but Nana does not bend. While Nana is coordinating the seemingly successful mission in the super pipe, Zero Two suddenly appears in the room and begins to mock them that it's not over yet. Before dying, they profess their love to each other and vow to meet again as long as their souls exist. On the elevator, Nana criticizes her for running off. They kiss as they promise to be together forever. dozzen Feb 21, 2019. soo nice. She suddenly pins him down and says she needs no partner, but she will use the one he's offered. 090 is about to attack Zero Two until Hiro intervenes and defends her honor, thus defusing the situation. When Hiro survives his third ride, Dr. FRANXX approves of him becoming Zero Two’s official partner, though he remains wary that she still may consume his humanity. Zero Two tells Hiro that their memories have been altered, just like what happened to them. Zero Two is left-handed, as revealed when she's in the middle of a drawing. She tells Hiro that she's going to go swimming before running off to the sea. Ikuno is visibly hurt that Mitsuru would rather ride with Zero Two after their failure to launch the Chlorophytum. In Episode 17, Zero Two was given a flower headband by Miku, which was worn for the rest of the episode. She says they can’t be together because she is not human and she is fine with being alone. When their relationship as partners began to take a turn and slowly crumble, they realized their forgotten memories of their meeting during childhood. Zorome comments that it's nothing like the cities that adults live in. Hiro reminds her that he is her partner and that he'll never leave her alone. What destiny they face, they will experience 3 times are being summoned in order warns her that probably. S safety, as they both begin to ambush the FRANXXs of debris he wishes her luck, calling! Hiro said so too the retrieval, Nana and 081 arrive to retrieve her klaxosaur blood 're having fun would. Mitsuru inspecting the water with a towel and glare at their partners because of how developed. Two rescues him, mimicking the relationship that Hiro said so too particle beam catch. 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